Various Artists
Cherish The Moment [cheetah Girls]

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la
Oh baby cherish the moment
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la la!

[Verse 1]
You, you know the kind
That finger pointing criticize
They can see, or read the sign
That life is really bigger than you and I
But if time, all time
We realize
Were gonna find
That we should all

Cherish the moment
Live for today
We wont get lost
Just don't push away
We all love the sun
But we still need the rain
So what good is it to run away
It don't change a thing

[Verse 2]
In this world
There is a flow
You can feel it if you just let go
And if you want
To feel your heart
It will happen if you just don't try so hard
Break it down
Hear the sound
In your soul
Let it surround
All love and we should just

Cherish the moment
Live for today
We wont get lost
Just don't push away
We all love the sun
But we still need the rain
So what good is it to run away
It don't change a thing

[Verse 3]
There is only so much time
So why not enjoy it
Why not enjoy the ride, the ride!

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la
Oh baby cherish the moment
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la la la la la!

Cherish the moment
Live for today
We wont get lost
Just don't push away
We all love the sun
But we still need the rain
So what good is it to run away
It don't change a thing

Mirror lyrics:

It don't change a thing
So what good is it to run away
But we still need the rain
We all love the sun
Just don't push away
We wont get lost
Live for today
Cherish the moment

La la la la la la la la!
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
Oh baby cherish the moment
La la la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

Why not enjoy the ride, the ride!
So why not enjoy it
There is only so much time
[Verse 3]

It don't change a thing
So what good is it to run away
But we still need the rain
We all love the sun
Just don't push away
We wont get lost
Live for today
Cherish the moment

All love and we should just
Let it surround
In your soul
Hear the sound
Break it down
It will happen if you just don't try so hard
To feel your heart
And if you want
You can feel it if you just let go
There is a flow
In this world
[Verse 2]

It don't change a thing
So what good is it to run away
But we still need the rain
We all love the sun
Just don't push away
We wont get lost
Live for today
Cherish the moment

That we should all
Were gonna find
We realize
But if time, all time
That life is really bigger than you and I
They can see, or read the sign
That finger pointing criticize
You, you know the kind
[Verse 1]

La la la la la la la la!
La la la la
La la la la
Oh baby cherish the moment
La la la la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

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CCherish TThe MMoment [[cheetah GGirls] herish he oment cheetah irls] hCerish hTe oMment c[heetah iGrls] fherish fhe joment [ccheetah hirls] fCherish fThe jMoment [heetah hGirls]
Cfherish Tfhe Mjoment [hceetah Ghirls] xherish 5he koment [fheetah yirls] xCherish 5The kMoment [fcheetah yGirls] Cxherish T5he Mkoment [cfheetah Gyirls] vherish hhe noment [xheetah birls]
vCherish hThe nMoment [xcheetah bGirls] Cvherish Thhe Mnoment [cxheetah Gbirls] dherish yhe Mooment [vheetah virls] dCherish yThe Mment [vcheetah vGirls] Cdherish Tyhe Mmoent [cvheetah Gvirls]
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