Various Artists
Always Love [nada Surf]

To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me
Always love? Hate will get you every time
Always love? Don?t wait til the finish line

Slow demands come 'round
Squeeze the air and keep the rest out
It helps to write it down
Even when you then cross it out

But Always Love? Hate will get you every time
Always Love?Even when you wanna fight

Self-directed lives
I want to know what it?d be like to
Aim so high above
Any card that you've been dealt, you...

Always Love? Hate will get you every time
Always Love? Hate will get you?

I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs.
You said?
Hey, you good ones.
Hey, you good ones.

To make a mountain of your life
Is just a choice
But I never learned enough
To listen to the voice that told me...
Always love?hate will get you every time
Always love?hate will get you?

I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs
You said..
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones

Mirror lyrics:

Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
Hey, you good ones
You said..
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs
I've been held back by something
Yeah, You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something

Always love?hate will get you?
Always love?hate will get you every time
To listen to the voice that told me...
But I never learned enough
Is just a choice
To make a mountain of your life

Hey, you good ones.
Hey, you good ones.
You said?
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs.
I've been held back by something
Yeah. You said to me quietly on the stairs,
I've been held back by something

Always Love? Hate will get you?
Always Love? Hate will get you every time

Any card that you've been dealt, you...
Aim so high above
I want to know what it?d be like to
Self-directed lives

Always Love?Even when you wanna fight
But Always Love? Hate will get you every time

Even when you then cross it out
It helps to write it down
Squeeze the air and keep the rest out
Slow demands come 'round

Always love? Don?t wait til the finish line
Always love? Hate will get you every time
To listen to the voice that told me
But I never learned enough
Is just a choice
To make a mountain of your life

Relevant Tags:
AAlways LLove [[nada SSurf] lways ove nada urf] lAways oLve n[ada uSrf] zlways kove [nnada zurf] zAlways kLove [ada zSurf] Azlways Lkove [anda Szurf]
qlways oove [mada wurf] qAlways oLove [mnada wSurf] Aqlways Loove [nmada Swurf] slways pove [hada durf] sAlways pLove [hnada dSurf] Aslways Lpove [nhada Sdurf]
wlways [jada eurf] wAlways Lve [jnada eSurf] Awlways Lvoe [njada Seurf] xlways Lkve [bada xurf] xAlways [bnada xSurf] Axlways Lokve [nbada Sxurf]
Allways L9ve [naada aurf] Aways L9ove [nda aSurf] Awlays Lo9ve [ndaa Saurf] Akways L0ve [nzda Suurf] Aklways L0ove [nzada Srf] Alkways Lo0ve [nazda Sruf]
Aoways Llve [nqda Shrf] Aolways Llove [nqada Shurf] Aloways Lolve [naqda Suhrf] Apways Live [nsda S7rf] Aplways Liove [nsada S7urf] Alpways Loive [nasda Su7rf]
Alwways Lovve [nwda Skrf] Alays Loe [nwada Skurf] Alawys Loev [nawda Sukrf] Alaays Lobe [nxda Sirf] Alaways Lobve [nxada Siurf] Alwaays Lovbe [naxda Suirf]
Al3ays Loce [nadda S8rf] Al3ways Locve [naa S8urf] Alw3ays Lovce [naad Su8rf] Aldays Loge [naxa Sjrf] Aldways Logve Sjurf] Alwdays Lovge [nadxa Sujrf]
Aleays Lofe [naea Syrf] Aleways Lofve [naeda Syurf] Alweays Lovfe [nadea Suyrf] Alsays Lovee [nafa Surrf] Alsways Lov [nafda Suf] Alwsays Love [nadfa Sufr]
Al2ays Lovs [nara Sudf] Al2ways Lovse [narda Sudrf] Alw2ays Loves [nadra Surdf] Alqays Lov3 [naca Su4f] Alqways Lov3e [nacda Su4rf] Alwqays Love3 [nadca Sur4f]
Lovf [nasa Sugf] Alwys Sugrf] Alwyas Lovef [nadsa Surgf]

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