Vanilla Ninja
Sugar And Honey

Can`t stand myself and messed-up thoughts that are crossing my mind
I`m going crazy but i know that to myself i can`t lie
Outrageous as a storm in autumn I`m fighting the way
It`s gonna be so hard but i`ll be ok

Tomorrow I`ll be gone and far away
This town will never see my face again
As if i were searching for the light in dark cold night
Tomorrow `i`ll be gone and far away
You will never see my face again
Sugar and honey
Keep those words for someone else

Accelerate my car and feel how the speed is carrying me
Like thousand raindrops on the windscreen i`m wandering right now
I`m breaking rules,denying feelings,foolin`around
You could have stopped me then but you didn`t care

Tomorrow i`ll be gone and far away
This town will never see my face again
As if i were searching for the light in dark cold night
Tomorrow i`ll be gone and far away
You will never see my face again
Sugar and honey
Keep those words for someone else

Mirror lyrics:

Keep those words for someone else
Sugar and honey
You will never see my face again
Tomorrow i`ll be gone and far away
As if i were searching for the light in dark cold night
This town will never see my face again
Tomorrow i`ll be gone and far away

You could have stopped me then but you didn`t care
I`m breaking rules,denying feelings,foolin`around
Like thousand raindrops on the windscreen i`m wandering right now
Accelerate my car and feel how the speed is carrying me

Keep those words for someone else
Sugar and honey
You will never see my face again
Tomorrow `i`ll be gone and far away
As if i were searching for the light in dark cold night
This town will never see my face again
Tomorrow I`ll be gone and far away

It`s gonna be so hard but i`ll be ok
Outrageous as a storm in autumn I`m fighting the way
I`m going crazy but i know that to myself i can`t lie
Can`t stand myself and messed-up thoughts that are crossing my mind

Relevant Tags:
SSugar AAnd HHoney ugar nd oney uSgar nAd oHney zugar znd joney zSugar zAnd jHoney Szugar Aznd Hjoney wugar qnd uoney
wSugar qAnd uHoney Swugar Aqnd Huoney dugar snd noney dSugar sAnd nHoney Sdugar Asnd Hnoney eugar wnd boney eSugar wAnd bHoney
Seugar Awnd Hboney xugar xnd goney xSugar xAnd gHoney Sxugar Axnd Hgoney augar Annd yoney aSugar Ad yHoney Saugar Adn Hyoney
Suugar Amd Hooney Sgar Amnd Hney Sguar Anmd Hnoey Shgar Ahd Hkney Shugar Ahnd Hkoney Suhgar Anhd Hokney S7gar Ajd H9ney
S7ugar Ajnd H9oney Su7gar Anjd Ho9ney Skgar Abd H0ney Skugar Abnd H0oney Sukgar Anbd Ho0ney Sigar Andd Hlney Siugar An Hloney
Suigar And Holney S8gar Anx Hiney S8ugar Anxd Hioney Su8gar Andx Hoiney Sjgar Ane Honney Sjugar Aned Hoey Sujgar Ande Hoeny
Sygar Anf Homey Syugar Anfd Homney Suygar Andf Honmey Suggar Anr Hohey Suar Anrd Hohney Suagr Andr Honhey Suhar Anc Hojey
Ancd Hojney Sughar Andc Honjey Suyar Ans Hobey Ansd Hobney

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