Vanilla Fudge
Take Me For A Little While

TAKE ME FOR A LITTLE WHILE Vanilla Fudge I've been
trying to make you love me But everything I try just
takes you further from me So you treat me cruel You
don't love me no no But no matter how you hurt me I'll
always be a fool If you don't want me forever If you
don't need me forever And if you don't love me forever
Take me for a little while For a little while I've
just got to make you want me I've got to make you love
me I've got to stop it There should be a law And no
maatter how you put me down I feel so helpless I love
you more And it ain't funny Cause deep down inside
I know If you don't need me forever If you can't love
me forever You're never gonna love me If you don't
want me forever Take me for a little while I'm gonna
make you love me For a llittle while Take me for a
little while, baby I've got to make you want me Can't
you see it's gonna be me Take me for a little while
Take me for a little while I'm gonna tell you how I
need you Take me for a little while Tell me how I want you

Mirror lyrics:

need you Take me for a little while Tell me how I want you
Take me for a little while I'm gonna tell you how I
you see it's gonna be me Take me for a little while
little while, baby I've got to make you want me Can't
make you love me For a llittle while Take me for a
want me forever Take me for a little while I'm gonna
me forever You're never gonna love me If you don't
I know If you don't need me forever If you can't love
you more And it ain't funny Cause deep down inside
maatter how you put me down I feel so helpless I love
me I've got to stop it There should be a law And no
just got to make you want me I've got to make you love
Take me for a little while For a little while I've
don't need me forever And if you don't love me forever
always be a fool If you don't want me forever If you
don't love me no no But no matter how you hurt me I'll
takes you further from me So you treat me cruel You
trying to make you love me But everything I try just
TAKE ME FOR A LITTLE WHILE Vanilla Fudge I've been

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMe FFor AA LLittle WWhile ake e or ittle hile aTke eM oFr A iLttle hWile fake je cor z kittle ahile fTake jMe cFor zA kLittle aWhile
Tfake Mje Fcor Az Lkittle Wahile 5ake ke ror q oittle 3hile 5Take kMe rFor qA oLittle 3While T5ake Mke Fror Aq Loittle W3hile hake ne gor s pittle dhile
hTake nMe gFor sA pLittle dWhile Thake Mne Fgor As Lpittle Wdhile yake Mee tor w Liittle ehile yTake M tFor wA Lttle eWhile Tyake Me Ftor Aw Ltitle Wehile
6ake Ms vor x Ljttle shile 6Take Mse vFor xA Ljittle sWhile T6ake Mes Fvor Ax Lijttle Wshile gake M3 dor L9ttle 2hile gTake M3e dFor L9ittle 2While
Tgake Me3 Fdor Li9ttle W2hile rake Mf Foor Llttle qhile rTake Mfe Fr Llittle qWhile Trake Mef Fro Lilttle Wqhile Taake Mr Fkr Lottle Whhile
Tke Mre Fkor Wile Tkae Mer Fokr Liottle Wihle Tzke M4 F9r Lkttle Wjile Tzake M4e F9or Wjhile Tazke Me4 Fo9r Likttle Whjile
Tqke Md F0r L8ttle Wuile Tqake Mde F0or L8ittle Wuhile Taqke Med Fo0r Li8ttle Whuile Tske Mw Flr Luttle Wnile Tsake Mwe Flor Luittle Wnhile
Taske Mew Folr Liuttle Whnile Twke Fir Litttle Wbile Twake Fior Litle Wbhile Tawke Foir Little Whbile Txke Forr Liftle Wgile
Txake Fo Lifttle Wghile Taxke For Litftle Whgile Takke Fod Li5tle Wyile Tae Fodr Li5ttle Wyhile Taek Ford Lit5tle Whyile
Tale Fo4 Lihtle Whiile Talke Fo4r Lihttle Whle Takle For4 Lithtle Whlie Taoe Fog Liytle Whjle Taoke Fogr Liyttle
Takoe Forg Litytle Whijle Tame Fot Li6tle Wh9le Tamke Fotr Li6ttle Wh9ile Takme Fort Lit6tle Whi9le

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