Vanishing Point
Drem Maker

A point without any purpose
A myth without any intention
My hands offer solace and guidance
The stray will find comfort in my touch

A tear that has fallen aside you
The breath that will be desired
Deny your resistance to come forth
Proceed into the province of my mind

Dream alone or dream with me
Shadows that will set us free
Close your eyes, delve deep within
Brace yourself as they pull you back in

Dream alone or dream with me
Shadows that will set us free
Clsoe your eyes delve deep within
Soon someday we shall all be set free

Mirror lyrics:

Soon someday we shall all be set free
Clsoe your eyes delve deep within
Shadows that will set us free
Dream alone or dream with me

Brace yourself as they pull you back in
Close your eyes, delve deep within
Shadows that will set us free
Dream alone or dream with me

Proceed into the province of my mind
Deny your resistance to come forth
The breath that will be desired
A tear that has fallen aside you

The stray will find comfort in my touch
My hands offer solace and guidance
A myth without any intention
A point without any purpose

Relevant Tags:
DDrem MMaker rem aker rDem aMker xrem jaker xDrem jMaker Dxrem Mjaker erem kaker eDrem kMaker Derem Mkaker frem naker fDrem nMaker
Dfrem Mnaker rrem Maaker rDrem Mker Drrem Mkaer crem Mzker cDrem Mzaker Dcrem Mazker srem Mqker sDrem Mqaker Dsrem Maqker Msker
Dem Msaker Derm Masker Ddem Mwker Ddrem Mwaker Drdem Mawker D4em Mxker D4rem Mxaker Dr4em Maxker Dgem Makker Dgrem Maer Drgem Maekr
Dtem Maler Dtrem Malker Drtem Makler D5em Maoer D5rem Maoker Dr5em Makoer Dfem Mamer Mamker Drfem Makmer Deem Majer Majker
Dreem Makjer Maier

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