Shine For Me

I'm the hug no-one ever gave you
The sweetest kiss for open wounds
I'm the sign that shows you direction
The guiding star that leads you home

Shine, child shine for me
You only shine for me

I lead you, I feed you, I captured your features
From now on you shine for me
I warn you, I own you, I'll find out your hideout
From now on you shine for me

I'm the hound that guards all your secrets
Calm and brave before the storm
I'm the rhyme that soothes your nightmares
The healing hand wiping off your fears

Shine, child shine for me
You only shine for me

I lead you, I feed you, I captured your features
From now on you shine for me
I warn you, I own you, I'll find out your hideout
From now on you shine for me

I'm the slap from your loving fathers hand
A mindless order you can't understand
I'm the pleasure that causes a lethal addiction
Craving turned into a destructive conviction

I'm the friend who betrayed your trust
The sentence that proved the world is unjust
I'm the rumour that spreads when your lacking defence
The final revelation that stole your innocence

Mirror lyrics:

The final revelation that stole your innocence
I'm the rumour that spreads when your lacking defence
The sentence that proved the world is unjust
I'm the friend who betrayed your trust

Craving turned into a destructive conviction
I'm the pleasure that causes a lethal addiction
A mindless order you can't understand
I'm the slap from your loving fathers hand

From now on you shine for me
I warn you, I own you, I'll find out your hideout
From now on you shine for me
I lead you, I feed you, I captured your features

You only shine for me
Shine, child shine for me

The healing hand wiping off your fears
I'm the rhyme that soothes your nightmares
Calm and brave before the storm
I'm the hound that guards all your secrets

From now on you shine for me
I warn you, I own you, I'll find out your hideout
From now on you shine for me
I lead you, I feed you, I captured your features

You only shine for me
Shine, child shine for me

The guiding star that leads you home
I'm the sign that shows you direction
The sweetest kiss for open wounds
I'm the hug no-one ever gave you

Relevant Tags:
SShine FFor MMe hine or e hSine oFr eM zhine cor je zShine cFor jMe Szhine Fcor Mje whine ror ke wShine rFor kMe Swhine Fror Mke
dhine gor ne dShine gFor nMe Sdhine Fgor Mne ehine tor Mee eShine tFor M Sehine Ftor Me xhine vor Ms xShine vFor Mse Sxhine Fvor Mes
ahine dor M3 aShine dFor M3e Sahine Fdor Me3 Shhine Foor Mf Sine Fr Mfe Sihne Fro Mef Sjine Fkr Mr Sjhine Fkor Mre Shjine Fokr Mer
Suine F9r M4 Suhine F9or M4e Shuine Fo9r Me4 Snine F0r Md Snhine F0or Mde Shnine Fo0r Med Sbine Flr Mw Sbhine Flor Mwe Shbine Folr Mew
Sgine Fir Sghine Fior Shgine Foir Syine Forr Syhine Fo Shyine For Shiine Fod Shne Fodr Shnie Ford
Shjne Fo4 Fo4r Shijne For4 Sh9ne Fog Sh9ine Fogr Shi9ne Forg

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