Veggie Tales (related Recordings)
The Thankfulness Song

I thank God for this day,
For the sun in the sky,
For my mom and my dad,
For my piece of apple pie!

For our home on the ground,
For His love that's all around,
That's why I say thanks every day!

Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!
I'm glad for what I have,
Thats an easy way to start!

For the love that He shares,
'Cause He listens to my prayers,
That's why I say thanks every day!

Mirror lyrics:

That's why I say thanks every day!
'Cause He listens to my prayers,
For the love that He shares,

Thats an easy way to start!
I'm glad for what I have,
Because a thankful heart is a happy heart!

That's why I say thanks every day!
For His love that's all around,
For our home on the ground,

For my piece of apple pie!
For my mom and my dad,
For the sun in the sky,
I thank God for this day,

Relevant Tags:
TThe TThankfulness SSong he hankfulness ong hTe hTankfulness oSng fhe fhankfulness zong fThe fThankfulness zSong Tfhe Tfhankfulness Szong
5he 5hankfulness wong 5The 5Thankfulness wSong T5he T5hankfulness Swong hhe hhankfulness dong hThe hThankfulness dSong Thhe Thhankfulness Sdong
yhe yhankfulness eong yThe yThankfulness eSong Tyhe Tyhankfulness Seong 6he 6hankfulness xong 6The 6Thankfulness xSong T6he T6hankfulness Sxong
ghe ghankfulness aong gThe gThankfulness aSong Tghe Tghankfulness Saong rhe rhankfulness Soong rThe rThankfulness Sng Trhe Trhankfulness Snog
Skng Te Tankfulness Skong Teh Tahnkfulness Sokng Tje Tjankfulness S9ng Tjhe Tjhankfulness S9ong Thje Thjankfulness So9ng
Tue Tuankfulness S0ng Tuhe Tuhankfulness S0ong Thue Thuankfulness So0ng Tne Tnankfulness Slng Tnhe Tnhankfulness Slong Thne Thnankfulness Solng
Tbe Tbankfulness Sing Tbhe Tbhankfulness Siong Thbe Thbankfulness Soing Tge Tgankfulness Sonng Sog Thge Thgankfulness Sogn
Tye Tyankfulness Somg Somng Thye Thyankfulness Sonmg Thee Thaankfulness Sohg Th Thnkfulness Sohng The Thnakfulness Sonhg
Ths Thznkfulness Sojg Thse Thzankfulness Sojng Thes Thaznkfulness Sonjg Th3 Thqnkfulness Sobg Th3e Thqankfulness Sobng The3 Thaqnkfulness Sonbg
Thf Thsnkfulness Songg Thfe Thsankfulness Son Thef Thasnkfulness Song Thr Thwnkfulness Sonh Thre Thwankfulness Ther Thawnkfulness Songh
Th4 Thxnkfulness Sony Th4e Thxankfulness Sonyg The4 Thaxnkfulness Songy Thd Thannkfulness Sonb Thde Thakfulness Thed Thaknfulness Songb
Thw Thamkfulness Sonv Thwe Thamnkfulness Sonvg Thew Thanmkfulness Songv Thahkfulness Sonf Thahnkfulness Sonfg Thanhkfulness Songf
Thajkfulness Sont Thajnkfulness Sontg Thanjkfulness Songt Thabkfulness Thabnkfulness Thanbkfulness
Thankkfulness Thanfulness Thanfkulness Thanlfulness Thanlkfulness Thanklfulness
Thanofulness Thanokfulness Thankofulness Thanmfulness Thankmfulness Thanjfulness
Thankjfulness Thanifulness Thanikfulness Thankifulness Thankffulness Thankulness
Thankuflness Thankculness Thankcfulness Thankfculness Thankrulness Thankrfulness
Thankfrulness Thankgulness Thankgfulness Thankfgulness

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