Veggie Tales (related Recordings)
Why I'm Blue By Miss Kitty

My life is a disaster...
A sea of endless pain.

A picnic promising the sun,
But giving only rain.

Solisten to my tale of woe,
Before we bid adieu.

It's why my heart is heavy,
It's why I am so blue.

(customers cry)

*Little Joe* Peanuts! Get yer hot roasted peanuts!
*customer* Over here. I'll take one!

*Miss Kitty continues* Life is a joke. A triffle. A folly!
Even my dog is a melon-collie!

My happy days are through.
That'z why I'm so blue.
That'z why I'm bl-

*Little Joe* Peanuts! Get yer hot roasted Peanuts!
Get 'em while their hot!

*Miss Kitty continues* I'm Through!

*Little Joe* Boy, that song's getting shorter every week.

Mirror lyrics:

*Little Joe* Boy, that song's getting shorter every week.

*Miss Kitty continues* I'm Through!

Get 'em while their hot!
*Little Joe* Peanuts! Get yer hot roasted Peanuts!

That'z why I'm bl-
That'z why I'm so blue.
My happy days are through.

Even my dog is a melon-collie!
*Miss Kitty continues* Life is a joke. A triffle. A folly!

*customer* Over here. I'll take one!
*Little Joe* Peanuts! Get yer hot roasted peanuts!

(customers cry)

It's why I am so blue.
It's why my heart is heavy,

Before we bid adieu.
Solisten to my tale of woe,

But giving only rain.
A picnic promising the sun,

A sea of endless pain.
My life is a disaster...

Relevant Tags:
WWhy II'm BBlue BBy MMiss KKitty hy 'm lue y iss itty hWy 'Im lBue yB iMss iKtty ahy j'm vlue vy jiss litty aWhy jI'm vBlue vBy jMiss lKitty
Wahy Ij'm Bvlue Bvy Mjiss Klitty 3hy 9'm glue gy kiss oitty 3Why 9I'm gBlue gBy kMiss oKitty W3hy I9'm Bglue Bgy Mkiss Koitty dhy l'm nlue ny niss mitty
dWhy lI'm nBlue nBy nMiss mKitty Wdhy Il'm Bnlue Bny Mniss Kmitty ehy o'm hlue hy Miiss jitty eWhy oI'm hBlue hBy Mss jKitty Wehy Io'm Bhlue Bhy Msis Kjitty
shy k'm Bllue Byy Mjss iitty sWhy kI'm Bue B iKitty Wshy Ik'm Bule By Mijss Kiitty 2hy 8'm Bkue Bg M9ss 2Why 8I'm Bklue M9iss Ktty
W2hy I8'm Blkue Byg Mi9ss Ktity qhy u'm Boue Bh Mlss Kjtty qWhy uI'm Bolue Mliss Wqhy Iu'm Bloue Byh Milss Kijtty Whhy I''m Bpue B6 Moss K9tty
Wy Im Bplue B6y Moiss K9itty Wyh Im' Blpue By6 Mioss Ki9tty Wjy I'mm Bluue Bu Mkss Kltty Wjhy I' Ble Buy Whjy I'm Bleu Byu Mikss Kiltty
Wuy I'j Blhe B7 M8ss Kotty Wuhy I'jm Blhue B7y M8iss Whuy I'mj Bluhe By7 Mi8ss Kiotty Wny I'k Bl7e Bj Muss Kktty Wnhy I'km Bl7ue Bjy Muiss Kkitty
Whny I'mk Blu7e Byj Miuss Kiktty Wby I'n Blke Bt Misss K8tty Wbhy I'nm Bty Mis K8itty Whby I'mn Bluke Byt Miss Ki8tty Wgy Blie Mizs Kutty
Wghy Bliue Mizss Kuitty Whgy Bluie Miszs Kiutty Wyy Bl8e Miws Kittty Wyhy Bl8ue Miwss Kity Whyy Blu8e Misws Kitty
Blje Mids Kifty Wh Bljue Midss Kiftty Why Bluje Misds Kitfty

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