Vega 4
Tearing Me Apart

Tiny things illuminate us
Makeup on the window sill
Fingers trace and tracts on my face
Uncover the cracks in me
You said that's where the line shines through us
Kiss my mouth
I believe

You're... tearing me apart
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
Beautiful... at the start
You're... tearing me apart
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
Beautiful... at the start

Who would of known my heart is beating?
Who would of known my heart is beating?

I was dreaming we were older
You were laughing
And I woke up
Covered in one sleeping breath
The night before I left New York
I have to catch a plane to Jackknife

But I'll be back soon.

You're... tearing me apart
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
Beautiful... at the start
You're... tearing me apart
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
Beautiful... at the start

Who would known my heart is beating?
Who would known my heart is beating?

You're... tearing me apart
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
Beautiful... at the start
You're... tearing me apart
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
Beautiful... at the start

Mirror lyrics:

Beautiful... at the start
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
You're... tearing me apart
Beautiful... at the start
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
You're... tearing me apart

Who would known my heart is beating?
Who would known my heart is beating?

Beautiful... at the start
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
You're... tearing me apart
Beautiful... at the start
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
You're... tearing me apart

But I'll be back soon.

I have to catch a plane to Jackknife
The night before I left New York
Covered in one sleeping breath
And I woke up
You were laughing
I was dreaming we were older

Who would of known my heart is beating?
Who would of known my heart is beating?

Beautiful... at the start
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
You're... tearing me apart
Beautiful... at the start
It's beautiful
It's beautiful
You're... tearing me apart

I believe
Kiss my mouth
You said that's where the line shines through us
Uncover the cracks in me
Fingers trace and tracts on my face
Makeup on the window sill
Tiny things illuminate us

Relevant Tags:
TTearing MMe AApart earing e part eTaring eM pAart fearing je zpart fTearing jMe zApart Tfearing Mje Azpart 5earing ke qpart
5Tearing kMe qApart T5earing Mke Aqpart hearing ne spart hTearing nMe sApart Thearing Mne Aspart yearing Mee wpart yTearing M wApart
Tyearing Me Awpart 6earing Ms xpart 6Tearing Mse xApart T6earing Mes Axpart gearing M3 Appart gTearing M3e Aart Tgearing Me3 Aaprt
rearing Mf A0art rTearing Mfe A0part Trearing Mef Ap0art Teearing Mr Alart Taring Mre Alpart Taering Mer Aplart Tsaring M4 Aoart
Tsearing M4e Aopart Tesaring Me4 Apoart T3aring Md Apaart T3earing Mde Aprt Te3aring Med Aprat Tfaring Mw Apzrt Mwe Apzart
Tefaring Mew Apazrt Traring Apqrt Apqart Teraring Apaqrt T4aring Apsrt T4earing Apsart Te4aring Apasrt
Tdaring Apwrt Tdearing Apwart Tedaring Apawrt Twaring Apxrt Twearing Apxart Tewaring Apaxrt Teaaring Aparrt
Tering Apat Teraing Apatr Tezring Apadt Tezaring Apadrt Teazring Apardt Teqring Apa4t Teqaring Apa4rt
Teaqring Apar4t Tesring Apagt Apagrt Teasring Apargt Tewring Apatt Apatrt Teawring Apartt
Texring Apa5t Texaring Apa5rt Teaxring Apar5t Tearring Apaft Teaing Apafrt Teairng Aparft Teading Apaet
Teadring Apaert Tearding Aparet

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