Van Raveschot
The B City

In this B city Everything burns
You feel free It feels so good
In this kind of city Everywhere you walk in
You're taking drugs with your best friends
White black de la poussi�re,Why what dans l'atmosph�re
In the B city Everywhere, you look in
You're all alone, far away from home
In this kind of city Ready to loose your mind
You're having fun You touch the sun
White black de la poussi�re Why what dans l'atmosph�re
White black de la lumi�re Why what dans l'univers
In the B city No one there in your mind
You see the moon Walking wilde
In this kind of city Everyone you see
Climbs the city To walk away...
White black de la poussi�re Why what dans l'atmosph�re
White black de la lumi�re Why what dans l'univers

Mirror lyrics:

White black de la lumi�re Why what dans l'univers
White black de la poussi�re Why what dans l'atmosph�re
Climbs the city To walk away...
In this kind of city Everyone you see
You see the moon Walking wilde
In the B city No one there in your mind
White black de la lumi�re Why what dans l'univers
White black de la poussi�re Why what dans l'atmosph�re
You're having fun You touch the sun
In this kind of city Ready to loose your mind
You're all alone, far away from home
In the B city Everywhere, you look in
White black de la poussi�re,Why what dans l'atmosph�re
You're taking drugs with your best friends
In this kind of city Everywhere you walk in
You feel free It feels so good
In this B city Everything burns

Relevant Tags:
TThe BB CCity he ity hTe B iCty fhe v fity fThe vB fCity Tfhe Bv Cfity 5he g xity 5The gB xCity T5he Bg Cxity hhe n vity hThe nB vCity
Thhe Bn Cvity yhe h dity yThe hB dCity Tyhe Bh Cdity 6he Ciity 6The Cty T6he Ctiy ghe Cjty gThe Cjity Tghe Cijty rhe C9ty
rThe C9ity Trhe Ci9ty Clty Te Clity Teh Cilty Tje Coty Tjhe Coity Thje Cioty Tue Ckty Tuhe Ckity Thue Cikty
Tne C8ty Tnhe C8ity Thne Ci8ty Tbe Cuty Tbhe Cuity Thbe Ciuty Tge Citty Ciy

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