Van Raveschot
No Matter What

No matter what Let ride with no wonder Let grow with no eyes behind
No matter what Let the soul have a walk Let the chance take is goal
How love goes on ?...How love goes on ?... Tell me
No matter what Let the fear lead a dance Let the clown play a part
No matter what Let the fool help the star Let the faith test your act
How love goes on ?...How love goes on ?... Tell me
No matter what Let your smile be an answer Let a sweet reality turn on
Let your tongue be a divine sugar Let your mouth be the one to inspire
How love goes on ?...How love goes on ?...Tell me

Lyrics: Van Raveschot
Taken from the album: Van Raveschot - Eden East
P&C Pale Music Int. 2009
Published by Edition Blass Music / Freibank 2010

Mirror lyrics:

Published by Edition Blass Music / Freibank 2010
P&C Pale Music Int. 2009
Taken from the album: Van Raveschot - Eden East
Lyrics: Van Raveschot

How love goes on ?...How love goes on ?...Tell me
Let your tongue be a divine sugar Let your mouth be the one to inspire
No matter what Let your smile be an answer Let a sweet reality turn on
How love goes on ?...How love goes on ?... Tell me
No matter what Let the fool help the star Let the faith test your act
No matter what Let the fear lead a dance Let the clown play a part
How love goes on ?...How love goes on ?... Tell me
No matter what Let the soul have a walk Let the chance take is goal
No matter what Let ride with no wonder Let grow with no eyes behind

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N Mzatter sWhat No Maztter Wshat Nk Mqtter 2hat Nko Mqatter 2What Nok Maqtter W2hat N9 Mstter qhat N9o Msatter qWhat No9 Mastter Wqhat
N0 Mwtter Whhat N0o Mwatter Wat No0 Mawtter Waht Nl Mxtter Wjat Nlo Mxatter Wjhat Nol Maxtter Whjat Ni Mattter Wuat Nio Mater Wuhat
Noi Matter Whuat Mafter Wnat Maftter Wnhat Matfter Whnat Ma5ter Wbat Ma5tter Wbhat Mat5ter Whbat Mahter Wgat
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