Vanessa Hudgens
Did It Ever Cross Your Mind

did it cross your mind boy
did it ever cross your mind boy

things that i would face
knowing that i would never see your face
i miss you baby every day and night
it just ain't right
did it every cross your mind boy
you would break my heart
knowing that you would break this soul apart
these tears of mine i cry so hard at night
it just ain't right

did it ever cross your mind
that id be left behind
did you ever stop to think
you'd lose me in a blink
did it ever cross your mind
I'd probably save the light
did it ever cross your mind
no and that just ain't right

no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right

listen now your gone
be done and tryin so hard to move on
i face it now i lieing to myself
it just ain't right
did it ever cross your mind boy
its not that kinda thing
i know i don't know what your tryin to say
nothing that i can do to help
its just ain't right

did it ever cross your mind
that id be left behind
did you ever stop to think
you'd lose me in a blink
did it ever cross your mind
i'd probably save the light
did it ever cross your mind
no and that just ain't right

now your gone
I'm trying i trying to move on
now your gone
I'm trying i trying to move on
now your gone
I'm trying i trying to move on
now your gone
did it ever cross your mind

did it ever cross your mind
that id be left behind
did you ever stop to think
you'd lose me in a blink
did it ever cross your mind
I'd probably save the light
did it ever cross your mind
no and that just ain't right

no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right

Mirror lyrics:

no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right

no and that just ain't right
did it ever cross your mind
I'd probably save the light
did it ever cross your mind
you'd lose me in a blink
did you ever stop to think
that id be left behind
did it ever cross your mind

did it ever cross your mind
now your gone
I'm trying i trying to move on
now your gone
I'm trying i trying to move on
now your gone
I'm trying i trying to move on
now your gone

no and that just ain't right
did it ever cross your mind
i'd probably save the light
did it ever cross your mind
you'd lose me in a blink
did you ever stop to think
that id be left behind
did it ever cross your mind

its just ain't right
nothing that i can do to help
i know i don't know what your tryin to say
its not that kinda thing
did it ever cross your mind boy
it just ain't right
i face it now i lieing to myself
be done and tryin so hard to move on
listen now your gone

no no it just ain't right
no no it just ain't right

no and that just ain't right
did it ever cross your mind
I'd probably save the light
did it ever cross your mind
you'd lose me in a blink
did you ever stop to think
that id be left behind
did it ever cross your mind

it just ain't right
these tears of mine i cry so hard at night
knowing that you would break this soul apart
you would break my heart
did it every cross your mind boy
it just ain't right
i miss you baby every day and night
knowing that i would never see your face
things that i would face

did it ever cross your mind boy
did it cross your mind boy

Relevant Tags:
DDid IIt EEver CCross YYour MMind id t ver ross our ind iDd tI vEer rCoss oYur iMnd xid jt sver fross gour jind xDid jIt sEver fCross gYour jMind
Dxid Ijt Esver Cfross Ygour Mjind eid 9t 3ver xross hour kind eDid 9It 3Ever xCross hYour kMind Deid I9t E3ver Cxross Yhour Mkind fid lt fver vross 6our nind
fDid lIt fEver vCross 6Your nMind Dfid Ilt Efver Cvross Y6our Mnind rid ot rver dross uour Miind rDid oIt rEver dCross uYour Mnd Drid Iot Erver Cdross Yuour Mnid
cid kt 4ver Crross 7our Mjnd cDid kIt 4Ever Coss 7Your Dcid Ikt E4ver Corss Y7our Mijnd sid 8t dver Cdoss jour M9nd sDid 8It dEver jYour M9ind
Dsid I8t Edver Crdoss Yjour Mi9nd Diid ut wver C4oss tour Mlnd Dd uIt wEver C4ross tYour Mlind Ddi Iut Ewver Cr4oss Ytour Milnd Djd Itt Evver Cgoss Yoour Mond
Djid I Eer Cgross Yur Moind Dijd It Eevr Crgoss Yuor Miond D9d If Eber Ctoss Ykur Mknd D9id Ift Ebver Ctross Ykour Di9d Itf Evber Crtoss Yokur Miknd
Dld I5 Ecer C5oss Y9ur M8nd Dlid I5t Ecver C5ross Y9our M8ind Dild It5 Evcer Cr5oss Yo9ur Mi8nd Dod Ih Eger Cfoss Y0ur Mund Doid Iht Egver Y0our Muind
Diod Ith Evger Crfoss Yo0ur Miund Dkd Iy Efer Ceoss Ylur Minnd Dkid Iyt Ceross Ylour Mid Dikd Ity Evfer Creoss Yolur Midn D8d I6 Eveer Crooss Yiur Mimd
D8id I6t Evr Crss Yiour Mimnd Di8d It6 Evre Crsos Yoiur Minmd Dud Ig Evsr Crkss Youur Mihd Duid Igt Evser Crkoss Yor Mihnd

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