Vanessa Carlton
Half A Week Before Winter

Half a week before the winter
The chill bites before it comes
And I'm a child of the pleasure
That he brings before he runs

He sits behind a desk of mahogany
He whispers dreams into my ear
Though I've given him his empire
He delivers me my fear

The unicorns are riding high
Powerful in coats of white
I turn to look, but burn my eyes
I carry on, I carry

All the weight of empty promise
As I stand, swallowed by the light
Flickering above the highway
I hold my head and know the streets are mine tonight

The vampires are growing tired
The coats of white all turn to red
My heart burns with desire
I carry on, I carry on

The unicorns are riding high
Powerful in coats of white
We turn to look and burn our eyes
I carry on, I carry

The vampires are growing tired
The coats of white all turn to red
My heart burns with desire
I carry on, I carry on
I carry on, I carry on
We carry on

Mirror lyrics:

We carry on
I carry on, I carry on
I carry on, I carry on
My heart burns with desire
The coats of white all turn to red
The vampires are growing tired

I carry on, I carry
We turn to look and burn our eyes
Powerful in coats of white
The unicorns are riding high

I carry on, I carry on
My heart burns with desire
The coats of white all turn to red
The vampires are growing tired

I hold my head and know the streets are mine tonight
Flickering above the highway
As I stand, swallowed by the light
All the weight of empty promise

I carry on, I carry
I turn to look, but burn my eyes
Powerful in coats of white
The unicorns are riding high

He delivers me my fear
Though I've given him his empire
He whispers dreams into my ear
He sits behind a desk of mahogany

That he brings before he runs
And I'm a child of the pleasure
The chill bites before it comes
Half a week before the winter

Relevant Tags:
HHalf AA WWeek BBefore WWinter alf eek efore inter aHlf A eWek eBfore iWnter jalf z aeek vefore ainter jHalf zA aWeek vBefore aWinter
Hjalf Az Waeek Bvefore Wainter ualf q 3eek gefore 3inter uHalf qA 3Week gBefore 3Winter Hualf Aq W3eek Bgefore W3inter nalf s deek nefore dinter
nHalf sA dWeek nBefore dWinter Hnalf As Wdeek Bnefore Wdinter balf w eeek hefore einter bHalf wA eWeek hBefore eWinter Hbalf Aw Weeek Bhefore Weinter
galf x seek Beefore sinter gHalf xA sWeek Bfore sWinter Hgalf Ax Wseek Bfeore Wsinter yalf 2eek Bsfore 2inter yHalf 2Week Bsefore 2Winter
Hyalf W2eek Besfore W2inter Haalf qeek B3fore qinter Hlf qWeek B3efore qWinter Hlaf Wqeek Be3fore Wqinter Hzlf Bffore Wiinter
Hzalf Wek Bfefore Wnter Hazlf Week Beffore Wniter Hqlf Wsek Brfore Wjnter Hqalf Brefore Wjinter Haqlf Wesek Berfore Wijnter
Hslf W3ek B4fore W9nter Hsalf B4efore W9inter Haslf We3ek Be4fore Wi9nter Hwlf Wfek Bdfore Wlnter Hwalf Wfeek Bdefore Wlinter
Hawlf Wefek Bedfore Wilnter Hxlf Wrek Bwfore Wonter Hxalf Wreek Bwefore Wointer Haxlf Werek Bewfore Wionter Hallf W4ek Wknter
Haf W4eek Beore Wkinter Hafl We4ek Beofre Wiknter Hakf Wdek Becore W8nter Haklf Becfore W8inter Halkf Wedek Befcore Wi8nter
Haof Wwek Berore Wunter Haolf Wweek Wuinter Halof Wewek Befrore Wiunter Hapf Begore Winnter Haplf Begfore Witer
Halpf Weke Befgore Witner Halff Wesk Betore Wimter Hal Betfore Wimnter Half Weesk Beftore Winmter Halc We3k Bevore Wihter
Halcf Bevfore Wihnter Halfc Wee3k Befvore Winhter Halr Wefk Bedore Wijter Halrf Halfr Weefk Befdore Winjter
Halg Werk Befoore Wibter Halgf Befre Wibnter Halfg Weerk Befroe Winbter

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