Van Morrison
I Need Your Kind Of Loving

Well my baby's gone, so's summer
And it brings on a cool night breeze
And I wish we could go walking
By the river, by the shady trees
By the river with the shady trees

Well I love you in the wintertime
Baby when the snow is on the ground
Well I love you in the autumn most of all
When the leaves come tumbling down
When the leaves come tumbling down

Baby I need your kind of loving
For to last my whole life through
Baby I need your kind of loving
You know nobody else will do
You know that nobody else will do

Well I love you in the springtime
When the rippling streams begin to flow
And the weather start to get a bit warmer
And the grass begins to grow
And the green, green, grass, begins to grow

Baby I need your kind of loving
For to last my whole life through
Baby I need your kind of loving
You know that nobody else will do
You know that nobody else will do

Baby I need your kind of loving
For to last my whole life through
Baby I need your kind of loving
You know nobody else will do
You know nobody else will do

Need your kind of loving
Operator, operator
Put me through to my baby now
Operator, put me through to my baby now
To my baby now, to my baby now.

Mirror lyrics:

To my baby now, to my baby now.
Operator, put me through to my baby now
Put me through to my baby now
Operator, operator
Need your kind of loving

You know nobody else will do
You know nobody else will do
Baby I need your kind of loving
For to last my whole life through
Baby I need your kind of loving

You know that nobody else will do
You know that nobody else will do
Baby I need your kind of loving
For to last my whole life through
Baby I need your kind of loving

And the green, green, grass, begins to grow
And the grass begins to grow
And the weather start to get a bit warmer
When the rippling streams begin to flow
Well I love you in the springtime

You know that nobody else will do
You know nobody else will do
Baby I need your kind of loving
For to last my whole life through
Baby I need your kind of loving

When the leaves come tumbling down
When the leaves come tumbling down
Well I love you in the autumn most of all
Baby when the snow is on the ground
Well I love you in the wintertime

By the river with the shady trees
By the river, by the shady trees
And I wish we could go walking
And it brings on a cool night breeze
Well my baby's gone, so's summer

Relevant Tags:
II NNeed YYour KKind OOf LLoving eed our ind f oving I eNed oYur iKnd fO oLving j meed gour lind kf koving jI mNeed gYour lKind kOf kLoving
Ij Nmeed Ygour Klind Okf Lkoving 9 heed hour oind 9f ooving 9I hNeed hYour oKind 9Of oLoving I9 Nheed Yhour Koind O9f Looving l jeed 6our mind 0f poving
lI jNeed 6Your mKind 0Of pLoving Il Njeed Y6our Kmind O0f Lpoving o beed uour jind lf oI bNeed uYour jKind lOf Lving Io Nbeed Yuour Kjind Olf Lvoing
k Neeed 7our iind if Lkving kI Ned 7Your iKind iOf Ik Need Y7our Kiind Oif Lokving 8 Nsed jour Off L9ving 8I Nseed jYour Knd O L9oving
I8 Nesed Yjour Knid Of Lo9ving u N3ed tour Kjnd Oc L0ving uI N3eed tYour Ocf L0oving Iu Ne3ed Ytour Kijnd Ofc Lo0ving Nfed Yoour K9nd Or Llving
Nfeed Yur K9ind Orf Lloving Nefed Yuor Ki9nd Ofr Lolving Nred Ykur Klnd Og Living Nreed Ykour Ogf Lioving Nered Yokur Kilnd Ofg Loiving
N4ed Y9ur Kond Ot Lovving N4eed Y9our Otf Loing Ne4ed Yo9ur Kiond Oft Loivng Nded Y0ur Kknd Ov Lobing Ndeed Y0our Kkind Ovf Lobving
Neded Yo0ur Kiknd Ofv Lovbing Nwed Ylur K8nd Od Locing Nweed Ylour K8ind Odf Locving Newed Yolur Ki8nd Ofd Lovcing Yiur Kund Loging
Yiour Kuind Logving Nede Yoiur Kiund Lovging Nesd Youur Kinnd Lofing Yor Kid Lofving Neesd Yoru Kidn Lovfing
Ne3d Yohr Kimd Loviing Yohur Kimnd Lovng Nee3d Youhr Kinmd Lovnig Nefd Yo7r Kihd Lovjng Yo7ur Kihnd Lovjing

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