Van Morrison
Bright Lights Big City

Bright lights big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head

I tried to tell her, mama
But she wouldn't hear a word I said
So long, pretty baby
You're gonna need my help, someday
So long, pretty baby
You're gonna need my help, someday

Gonna wish you'd had a-listened
Somethin' that I have to say
Go on, pretty baby
An' knock yourself out
Go ahead, pretty baby
You don't know what love is all about

Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Tried to tell her, mama
But she wouldn't hear a word I said

Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head

Tried to tell her, mama
But she wouldn't hear a word I said
Go ahead, pretty baby
A-knock yourself out
Go on, pretty baby
You don't know what love is all about

Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
Went to my baby's head
Tried to tell her, mama
But she wouldn't hear a word, that I said

Bright lights, a-big city went to my, baby's head

Aah, she warned me
Now listen, to what I heard
My mama said
A-she want me
Right there, home in bed
Right here

Mirror lyrics:

Right here
Right there, home in bed
A-she want me
My mama said
Now listen, to what I heard
Aah, she warned me

Bright lights, a-big city went to my, baby's head

But she wouldn't hear a word, that I said
Tried to tell her, mama
Went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city

You don't know what love is all about
Go on, pretty baby
A-knock yourself out
Go ahead, pretty baby
But she wouldn't hear a word I said
Tried to tell her, mama

A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city

But she wouldn't hear a word I said
Tried to tell her, mama
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city

You don't know what love is all about
Go ahead, pretty baby
An' knock yourself out
Go on, pretty baby
Somethin' that I have to say
Gonna wish you'd had a-listened

You're gonna need my help, someday
So long, pretty baby
You're gonna need my help, someday
So long, pretty baby
But she wouldn't hear a word I said
I tried to tell her, mama

A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights, big city
A-went to my baby's head
Bright lights big city

Relevant Tags:
BBright LLights BBig CCity right ights ig ity rBight iLghts iBg iCty vright kights vig fity vBright kLights vBig fCity Bvright Lkights Bvig Cfity
gright oights gig xity gBright oLights gBig xCity Bgright Loights Bgig Cxity nright pights nig vity nBright pLights nBig vCity Bnright Lpights Bnig Cvity
hright Liights hig dity hBright Lghts hBig dCity Bhright Lgihts Bhig Cdity Brright Ljghts Biig Ciity Bight Ljights Bg Cty Birght Lijghts Bgi Ctiy
Bdight L9ghts Bjg Cjty Bdright L9ights Bjig Cjity Brdight Li9ghts Bijg Cijty B4ight Llghts B9g C9ty B4right Llights B9ig C9ity Br4ight Lilghts Bi9g Ci9ty
Bgight Loghts Blg Clty Blig Clity Brgight Lioghts Bilg Cilty Btight Lkghts Bog Coty Btright Boig Coity Brtight Likghts Biog Cioty
B5ight L8ghts Bkg Ckty B5right L8ights Bkig Ckity Br5ight Li8ghts Bikg Cikty Bfight Lughts B8g C8ty Bfright Luights B8ig C8ity Brfight Liughts Bi8g Ci8ty
Beight Ligghts Bug Cuty Beright Lihts Buig Cuity Breight Lihgts Biug Ciuty Briight Lihhts Bigg Citty Brght Lihghts Bi Ciy Brgiht Lighhts Big Ciyt
Brjght Liyhts Bih Cify Brjight Liyghts Bihg Cifty Brijght Ligyhts Bigh Citfy Br9ght Libhts Biy Ci5y Br9ight Libghts Biyg Ci5ty Bri9ght Ligbhts Bigy Cit5y
Brlght Livhts Bib Cihy Brlight Livghts Bibg Cihty Brilght Ligvhts Bigb Cithy Broght Lifhts Biv Ciyy Broight Lifghts Bivg Ciyty Brioght Ligfhts Bigv Cityy
Brkght Lithts Bif Ci6y Brkight Litghts Bifg Ci6ty Brikght Ligthts Bigf Cit6y Br8ght Bit Cigy Br8ight Ligts Bitg Cigty Bri8ght Ligths Bigt Citgy
Brught Ligjts Ciry

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