Van Morrison
Real Real Gone

I'm real real gone
I got hit by a bow and arrow
You got me down to the very marrow
You're a friend of mine
And I'm real real gone

On the radio
Music coming and I hear
Sam Cooke's voice
Well I know I don't have any choice
That's the way it is
And I'm real, real real gone, man

I can't stand up by myself
Don't you know, baby, I need your help
You're a friend of mine
And I'm real real gone, alright

Well, I'm dancing
Dancing till my, till my body's soaking wet
Till I'm completely wet with sweat
Once I've started I'm just real real gone, man
I got hit by a bow and arrow
Got me down to the very marrow
You're a friend of mine, and I'm
Real gone, man

Well the music's playing
On the radio
And the night is filled with space
When my fingertips touch your face
You're a friend of mine
And I'm, I'm real real gone

Help me stand up
Help me stand up
All by myself
You're a friend of mine
And I'm real, I'm real real gone
Real gone
I got hit by a bow and arrow

(fade to end)

Mirror lyrics:

(fade to end)

I got hit by a bow and arrow
Real gone
And I'm real, I'm real real gone
You're a friend of mine
All by myself
Help me stand up
Help me stand up

And I'm, I'm real real gone
You're a friend of mine
When my fingertips touch your face
And the night is filled with space
On the radio
Well the music's playing

Real gone, man
You're a friend of mine, and I'm
Got me down to the very marrow
I got hit by a bow and arrow
Once I've started I'm just real real gone, man
Till I'm completely wet with sweat
Dancing till my, till my body's soaking wet
Well, I'm dancing

And I'm real real gone, alright
You're a friend of mine
Don't you know, baby, I need your help
I can't stand up by myself

And I'm real, real real gone, man
That's the way it is
Well I know I don't have any choice
Sam Cooke's voice
Music coming and I hear
On the radio

And I'm real real gone
You're a friend of mine
You got me down to the very marrow
I got hit by a bow and arrow
I'm real real gone

Relevant Tags:
RReal RReal GGone eal eal one eRal eRal oGne deal deal hone dReal dReal hGone Rdeal Rdeal Ghone 4eal 4eal yone 4Real 4Real yGone
R4eal R4eal Gyone geal geal bone gReal gReal bGone Rgeal Rgeal Gbone teal teal vone tReal tReal vGone Rteal Rteal Gvone 5eal 5eal fone
5Real 5Real fGone R5eal R5eal Gfone feal feal tone fReal fReal tGone Rfeal Rfeal Gtone eeal eeal Goone eReal eReal Gne Reeal Reeal Gnoe
Gkne Ral Ral Gkone Rael Rael Gokne Rsal Rsal G9ne Rseal Rseal G9one Resal Resal Go9ne R3al R3al G0ne R3eal R3eal G0one
Re3al Re3al Go0ne Rfal Rfal Glne Glone Refal Refal Golne Rral Rral Gine Rreal Rreal Gione Reral Reral Goine

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