Metalopolis (orchestral Version)

Metalopolis (Orchestral Version)

[M/L: Jevo]

Far from the place you live,
Away from the din.
There is a land of joy,
Amusement and spree.
Called Metalopolis,
The town of your dreams.
Made of green grass and trees
And clear water streams.

Rivers of sweet wine
And lakes full of beer,
Lightly clad women everywhere
Huge amplifiers placed
along the streets
to play loud metal symphonies

Come with me to a never Neverland
And you'll see
Landscapes of trees and lush.
Stay a while so we can have some fun
In this world of bliss

Mirror lyrics:

In this world of bliss
Stay a while so we can have some fun
Landscapes of trees and lush.
And you'll see
Come with me to a never Neverland

to play loud metal symphonies
along the streets
Huge amplifiers placed
Lightly clad women everywhere
And lakes full of beer,
Rivers of sweet wine

And clear water streams.
Made of green grass and trees
The town of your dreams.
Called Metalopolis,
Amusement and spree.
There is a land of joy,
Away from the din.
Far from the place you live,

[M/L: Jevo]

Metalopolis (Orchestral Version)

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