Valentine's Day
Can You Feel The Love Tonight

There's a calm surrender
To the rush of day
When the heat of the rolling world
Can be turned away

An enchanted moment
And it sees me through
It's enough for this restless warrior
Just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight?
It is where we are
It's enough for wide eyed wanderer
That we got this far

And can you feel the love tonight
How it's laid to rest
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

There's a time for ev'ryone
If they only learn
That the twisting kaleidoscope
Moves us all in turn

There's a rhyme and reason
To the wild outdoors
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager
Beats in time with yours

And can you feel the love tonight?
It is where we are
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
That we got this far

And can you feel the love tonight
How it's laid to rest?
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best

Mirror lyrics:

Believe the very best
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
Believe the very best
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
How it's laid to rest?
And can you feel the love tonight

That we got this far
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
It is where we are
And can you feel the love tonight?

Beats in time with yours
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager
To the wild outdoors
There's a rhyme and reason

Moves us all in turn
That the twisting kaleidoscope
If they only learn
There's a time for ev'ryone

Believe the very best
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
How it's laid to rest
And can you feel the love tonight

That we got this far
It's enough for wide eyed wanderer
It is where we are
And can you feel the love tonight?

Just to be with you
It's enough for this restless warrior
And it sees me through
An enchanted moment

Can be turned away
When the heat of the rolling world
To the rush of day
There's a calm surrender

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CCan YYou FFeel TThe LLove TTonight an ou eel he ove onight aCn oYu eFel hTe oLve oTnight fan gou ceel fhe kove fonight fCan gYou cFeel fThe kLove fTonight
Cfan Ygou Fceel Tfhe Lkove Tfonight xan hou reel 5he oove 5onight xCan hYou rFeel 5The oLove 5Tonight Cxan Yhou Freel T5he Loove T5onight van 6ou geel hhe pove honight
vCan 6You gFeel hThe pLove hTonight Cvan Y6ou Fgeel Thhe Lpove Thonight dan uou teel yhe yonight dCan uYou tFeel yThe Lve yTonight Cdan Yuou Fteel Tyhe Lvoe Tyonight
Caan 7ou veel 6he Lkve 6onight Cn 7You vFeel 6The 6Tonight Cna Y7ou Fveel T6he Lokve T6onight Czn jou deel ghe L9ve gonight Czan jYou dFeel gThe L9ove gTonight
Cazn Yjou Fdeel Tghe Lo9ve Tgonight Cqn tou Feeel rhe L0ve ronight Cqan tYou Fel rThe L0ove rTonight Caqn Ytou Feel Trhe Lo0ve Tronight Csn Yoou Fsel Llve Toonight
Csan Yu Fseel Te Llove Tnight Casn Yuo Fesel Teh Lolve Tnoight Cwn Yku F3el Tje Live Tknight Cwan Ykou F3eel Tjhe Liove Tkonight Cawn Yoku Fe3el Thje Loive Toknight
Cxn Y9u Ffel Tue Lovve T9night Y9ou Ffeel Tuhe Loe T9onight Caxn Yo9u Fefel Thue Loev To9night Cann Y0u Frel Tne Lobe T0night Ca Y0ou Tnhe Lobve T0onight
Can Yo0u Ferel Thne Lovbe To0night Cam Ylu F4el Tbe Loce Tlnight Camn Ylou F4eel Tbhe Locve Tlonight Canm Yolu Fe4el Thbe Lovce Tolnight Cah Yiu Fdel Tge Loge Tinight
Cahn Yiou Logve Tionight Canh Yoiu Fedel Thge Lovge Toinight Caj Youu Fwel Tye Lofe Tonnight Cajn Yo Fweel Lofve Toight Canj You Fewel Thye Lovfe Toinght
Cab Yoh Thee Lovee Tomight Cabn Yohu Th Lov Tomnight Canb Youh Fele The Love Tonmight Yo7 Fesl Ths Lovs Tohight Yo7u Thse Lovse Tohnight
You7 Feesl Thes Loves Tonhight Yok Fe3l Th3 Lov3 Tojight Th3e Lov3e Tojnight Youk Fee3l The3 Love3 Tonjight Yoi Fefl Thf Lovf Tobight
Thfe Tobnight Youi Feefl Thef Lovef Tonbight Yo8 Ferl Thr Lovr Toniight Yo8u Thre Lovre Tonght You8 Feerl Ther Lover Tongiht
Yoj Fe4l Th4 Lov4 Tonjght Yoju Th4e Lov4e Youj Fee4l The4 Love4 Tonijght Yoy Fedl Thd Lovd Ton9ght Yoyu Thde Lovde Ton9ight
Youy Feedl Thed Loved Toni9ght Fewl Thw Lovw Tonlght Thwe Lovwe Tonlight Feewl Thew Lovew Tonilght Feell Tonoght

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