Victor Ly
Wishing On The Same Star

Drive several miles - towards the outskirts of town
Grip the steering wheel - thoughts in my head go 'round
Try to focus on the road - it starts to blur
Close my eyes for a second - stop thinking of her!

Hear her voice in my head - turn the radio up
Even at full blast - music isn't loud enough
Hard to block things out - I still try
No way I'll truly succeed - I barely get by

Look through the moon roof - following a star
I drive fast - it still seems so far
Gassing three digits - I'm still not there
How fast must I go for the wind to dry my tears?

A quick decision - hit the brakes of my car
Giving up hope - I'll never reach that star
Look up and make a wish - her on my mind
Even if she's wishing on the same star -
her wish won't be the same as mine

Mirror lyrics:

her wish won't be the same as mine
Even if she's wishing on the same star -
Look up and make a wish - her on my mind
Giving up hope - I'll never reach that star
A quick decision - hit the brakes of my car

How fast must I go for the wind to dry my tears?
Gassing three digits - I'm still not there
I drive fast - it still seems so far
Look through the moon roof - following a star

No way I'll truly succeed - I barely get by
Hard to block things out - I still try
Even at full blast - music isn't loud enough
Hear her voice in my head - turn the radio up

Close my eyes for a second - stop thinking of her!
Try to focus on the road - it starts to blur
Grip the steering wheel - thoughts in my head go 'round
Drive several miles - towards the outskirts of town

Relevant Tags:
WWishing OOn TThe SSame SStar ishing n he ame tar iWshing nO hTe aSme tSar aishing kn fhe zame ztar aWishing kOn fThe zSame zStar Waishing Okn Tfhe Szame Sztar
3ishing 9n 5he wame wtar 3Wishing 9On 5The wSame wStar W3ishing O9n T5he Swame Swtar dishing 0n hhe dame dtar dWishing 0On hThe dSame dStar Wdishing O0n Thhe Sdame Sdtar
eishing ln yhe eame etar eWishing lOn yThe eSame eStar Weishing Oln Tyhe Seame Setar sishing in 6he xame xtar sWishing iOn 6The xSame xStar Wsishing Oin T6he Sxame Sxtar
2ishing Onn ghe aame atar 2Wishing O gThe aSame aStar W2ishing On Tghe Saame Satar qishing Om rhe Sttar qWishing Omn rThe Sme Sar Wqishing Onm Trhe Smae Satr
Wiishing Oh Szme Sfar Wshing Ohn Te Sftar Wsihing Onh Teh Sazme Stfar Wjshing Oj Tje Sqme S5ar Wjishing Ojn Tjhe Sqame S5tar Wijshing Onj Thje Saqme St5ar
W9shing Ob Tue Ssme Shar W9ishing Obn Tuhe Ssame Shtar Wi9shing Onb Thue Sasme Sthar Wlshing Tne Swme Syar Wlishing Tnhe Sytar Wilshing Thne Sawme Styar
Woshing Tbe Sxme S6ar Woishing Tbhe S6tar Wioshing Thbe Saxme St6ar Wkshing Tge Samme Sgar Wkishing Sae Sgtar Wikshing Thge Saem Stgar
W8shing Tye Saje Srar W8ishing Sajme Srtar Wi8shing Thye Samje Strar Wushing Thee Sake Staar Wuishing Th Sakme Str Wiushing The Samke Stra
Wisshing Ths Sane Stzr Wihing Thse Sanme Stzar Wihsing Thes Samne Stazr Wizhing Th3 Samee Stqr Wizshing Th3e Sam Stqar Wiszhing The3 Same Staqr
Wiwhing Thf Sams Stsr Wiwshing Thfe Samse Stsar Wiswhing Thef Sames Stasr Widhing Thr Sam3 Stwr Widshing Thre Sam3e Stwar Wisdhing Ther Same3 Stawr
Wiehing Th4 Samf Stxr Wieshing Th4e Samfe Stxar Wisehing The4 Samef Staxr Wixhing Thd Samr Starr Wixshing Thde Samre Sta Wisxhing Thed Samer Star
Wiahing Thw Sam4 Stad Wiashing Thwe Sam4e Stadr Wisahing Thew Same4 Stard Wishhing Samd Sta4 Wising Samde Sta4r Wisihng Samed Star4
Wisjing Samw Stag

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