Val Emmich
This Ship's Going Down

i fear this ship's going down
and nothing we do can fix it up now
the problem's gone on for so long
we were riding high
never bothered to look below

who's in charge, who's in control?
does anyone here even know?
everyone out, it's gonna blow
you never see it coming
no, it's too close to you
no, it's too close to you

we were busy looking ahead
we never checked out what we were traveling in
only in crisis do you care enough
to hold the ones you love
to value having love

who's in charge, who's in control?
does anyone here even know?
everyone out, it's gonna blow
you never see it coming
no, it's too close to you
no, it's too close to you

you can't ignore it
can't turn it off
we said we cared
but not enough
now it's all ending

who's in charge, who's in control?
does anyone here even know?
everyone out, it's gonna blow
you never see it coming
no, it's too close to you
no, it's too close to you

Mirror lyrics:

no, it's too close to you
no, it's too close to you
you never see it coming
everyone out, it's gonna blow
does anyone here even know?
who's in charge, who's in control?

now it's all ending
but not enough
we said we cared
can't turn it off
you can't ignore it

no, it's too close to you
no, it's too close to you
you never see it coming
everyone out, it's gonna blow
does anyone here even know?
who's in charge, who's in control?

to value having love
to hold the ones you love
only in crisis do you care enough
we never checked out what we were traveling in
we were busy looking ahead

no, it's too close to you
no, it's too close to you
you never see it coming
everyone out, it's gonna blow
does anyone here even know?
who's in charge, who's in control?

never bothered to look below
we were riding high
the problem's gone on for so long
and nothing we do can fix it up now
i fear this ship's going down

Relevant Tags:
TThis SShip's GGoing DDown his hip's oing own hTis hSip's oGing oDwn fhis zhip's hoing xown fThis zShip's hGoing xDown Tfhis Szhip's Ghoing Dxown
5his whip's yoing eown 5This wShip's yGoing eDown T5his Swhip's Gyoing Deown hhis dhip's boing fown hThis dShip's bGoing fDown Thhis Sdhip's Gboing Dfown
yhis ehip's voing rown yThis eShip's vGoing rDown Tyhis Sehip's Gvoing Drown 6his xhip's foing cown 6This xShip's fGoing cDown T6his Sxhip's Gfoing Dcown
ghis ahip's toing sown gThis aShip's tGoing sDown Tghis Sahip's Gtoing Dsown rhis Shhip's Gooing Doown rThis Sip's Ging Dwn Trhis Sihp's Giong Dwon
Sjip's Gking Dkwn Tis Sjhip's Gkoing Dkown Tihs Shjip's Goking Dokwn Tjis Suip's G9ing D9wn Tjhis Suhip's G9oing D9own Thjis Shuip's Go9ing Do9wn
Tuis Snip's G0ing D0wn Tuhis Snhip's G0oing D0own Thuis Shnip's Go0ing Do0wn Tnis Sbip's Gling Dlwn Tnhis Sbhip's Gloing Dlown Thnis Shbip's Goling Dolwn
Tbis Sgip's Giing Diwn Tbhis Sghip's Gioing Diown Thbis Shgip's Goiing Doiwn Tgis Syip's Dowwn Syhip's Gong Don Thgis Shyip's Gonig Donw
Tyis Shiip's Gojng Doan Shp's Gojing Doawn Thyis Shpi's Goijng Dowan Thiis Shjp's Go9ng Do3n Ths Do3wn Thsi Shijp's Goi9ng Dow3n
Thjs Sh9p's Golng Dodn

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