The Red Passage

A dive up with head down
moth-winged Angel's shriek
excretion condensed
diginity disrespect

The Crown of Manhood
means nothing here
not for the sheep they pray
they bless the buther's knife

A chant of turbid light
sombre consolation
caryr me, oh Hydra Mother
to gods of festering wounds

The Crown of Manhood
means nothing here
not for the sheep they pray
they bless the buther's knife

A chant of turbid light
sombre consolation
carry me, of Hydra Mother
to gods of festering wounds

Mirror lyrics:

to gods of festering wounds
carry me, of Hydra Mother
sombre consolation
A chant of turbid light

they bless the buther's knife
not for the sheep they pray
means nothing here
The Crown of Manhood

to gods of festering wounds
caryr me, oh Hydra Mother
sombre consolation
A chant of turbid light

they bless the buther's knife
not for the sheep they pray
means nothing here
The Crown of Manhood

diginity disrespect
excretion condensed
moth-winged Angel's shriek
A dive up with head down

Relevant Tags:
TThe RRed PPassage he ed assage hTe eRd aPssage fhe ded 0assage fThe dRed 0Passage Tfhe Rded P0assage 5he 4ed lassage
5The 4Red lPassage T5he R4ed Plassage hhe ged oassage hThe gRed oPassage Thhe Rged Poassage yhe ted Paassage yThe tRed Pssage
Tyhe Rted Psasage 6he 5ed Pzssage 6The 5Red Pzassage T6he R5ed Pazssage ghe fed Pqssage gThe fRed Pqassage Tghe Rfed Paqssage
rhe eed Psssage rThe eRed Psassage Trhe Reed Passsage Pwssage Te Rd Pwassage Teh Rde Pawssage Tje Rsd Pxssage
Tjhe Rsed Pxassage Thje Resd Paxssage Tue R3d Tuhe R3ed Pasage Thue Re3d Passage Tne Rfd Pazsage Tnhe
Thne Refd Paszsage Tbe Rrd Pawsage Tbhe Rred Thbe Rerd Paswsage Tge R4d Padsage Padssage Thge Re4d Pasdsage
Tye Rdd Paesage Paessage Thye Redd Pasesage Thee Rwd Paxsage Th Rwed The Rewd Pasxsage Ths Paasage
Thse Re Thes Red Pasasage Th3 Rex Th3e Rexd The3 Redx Pasasge Thf Ree Paszage Thfe
Thef Rede Passzage Thr Ref Paswage

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