The One Made Of Dreams

Sometimes believing in some disembodied being can help find the way in the
A being that constitutes an essence of what you profess and follow.
A being that exist only in your dreams and never falls prey to sestemic
arrangments of religions and philosophies.

I am the Left Hand of Darkness
I am the Right Hand of Light
I am the Lurker of the Twilight
I am the Mist of the Dawn

As you are dreaming me up
I'm bringing freedom into your mind

I am the Sadness of the Gods
I am the Radiance from the Sky
I am the Desert of the Real
I am the Knowledge and the Maze

I am the Lizard without the King
I am Fall without the Leap
I am the Power without the Might
I am the Wanderer without the Road

Protect your daemon, I said
Before the magic lamb shatters
Protect your deities, I said
Before I come to bring them down

Mirror lyrics:

Before I come to bring them down
Protect your deities, I said
Before the magic lamb shatters
Protect your daemon, I said

I am the Wanderer without the Road
I am the Power without the Might
I am Fall without the Leap
I am the Lizard without the King

I am the Knowledge and the Maze
I am the Desert of the Real
I am the Radiance from the Sky
I am the Sadness of the Gods

I'm bringing freedom into your mind
As you are dreaming me up

I am the Mist of the Dawn
I am the Lurker of the Twilight
I am the Right Hand of Light
I am the Left Hand of Darkness

arrangments of religions and philosophies.
A being that exist only in your dreams and never falls prey to sestemic
A being that constitutes an essence of what you profess and follow.
Sometimes believing in some disembodied being can help find the way in the

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOne MMade OOf DDreams he ne ade f reams hTe nOe aMde fO rDeams fhe kne jade kf xreams fThe kOne jMade kOf xDreams Tfhe Okne Mjade Okf Dxreams
5he 9ne kade 9f ereams 5The 9One kMade 9Of eDreams T5he O9ne Mkade O9f Dereams hhe 0ne nade 0f freams hThe 0One nMade 0Of fDreams Thhe O0ne Mnade O0f Dfreams
yhe lne Maade lf rreams yThe lOne Mde lOf rDreams Tyhe Olne Mdae Olf Drreams 6he ine Mzde if creams 6The iOne Mzade iOf cDreams T6he Oine Mazde Oif Dcreams
ghe Onne Mqde Off sreams gThe Oe Mqade O sDreams Tghe Oen Maqde Of Dsreams rhe Ome Msde Oc rThe Omne Msade Ocf Deams Trhe Onme Masde Ofc Derams
Ohe Mwde Or Ddeams Te Ohne Mwade Orf Ddreams Teh Onhe Mawde Ofr Drdeams Tje Oje Mxde Og D4eams Tjhe Ojne Mxade Ogf D4reams Thje Onje Maxde Ofg Dr4eams
Tue Obe Madde Ot Dgeams Tuhe Obne Mae Otf Dgreams Thue Onbe Maed Oft Drgeams Tne Onee Maxe Ov Dteams Tnhe On Ovf Dtreams Thne One Madxe Ofv Drteams
Tbe Ons Maee Od D5eams Tbhe Onse Maede Odf D5reams Thbe Ones Madee Ofd Dr5eams Tge On3 Mafe Dfeams On3e Mafde Thge One3 Madfe Drfeams
Tye Onf Mare Deeams Onfe Marde Thye Onef Madre Dreeams Thee Onr Mace Th Onre Macde Drams The Oner Madce Draems
Ths On4 Mase Drsams Thse On4e Drseams Thes One4 Madse Dresams Th3 Ond Dr3ams Th3e Onde Mad Dr3eams The3 Oned Made Dre3ams
Thf Onw Mads Drfams

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