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Legion (anachron)

Enveloped in a sentiment,
a sound that rushes over me.
Engage an impulse to pretend
I have a faith as pure.
Not forgetting what it means to dream.
Indulging everything.
Entertaining thoughts that I've the strength
of those I yearn to be.
Cheers and tribute greet the saviours.
Reckless thoughts survive.
Anachronistic and impulsive.

And what will happen?
Will I dream?
I am too scared to close my eyes.
For a second please hold me.
None can change in me these things that I believe.
But I don't know what happens now.
I am too scared to close my eyes.

Mirror lyrics:

I am too scared to close my eyes.
But I don't know what happens now.
None can change in me these things that I believe.
For a second please hold me.
I am too scared to close my eyes.
Will I dream?
And what will happen?

Anachronistic and impulsive.
Reckless thoughts survive.
Cheers and tribute greet the saviours.
of those I yearn to be.
Entertaining thoughts that I've the strength
Indulging everything.
Not forgetting what it means to dream.
I have a faith as pure.
Engage an impulse to pretend
a sound that rushes over me.
Enveloped in a sentiment,

Relevant Tags:
LLegion ((anachron) egion anachron) eLgion a(nachron) kegion (aanachron) kLegion (nachron) Lkegion (naachron)
oegion (znachron) oLegion (zanachron) Loegion (aznachron) pegion (qnachron) pLegion (qanachron) Lpegion (aqnachron)
Leegion (snachron) Lgion (sanachron) Lgeion (asnachron) Lsgion (wnachron) Lsegion (wanachron) Lesgion (awnachron)
L3gion (xnachron) L3egion (xanachron) Le3gion (axnachron) Lfgion (annachron) Lfegion (aachron) Lefgion (aanchron)
Lrgion (amachron) Lregion (amnachron) Lergion (anmachron) L4gion (ahachron) L4egion (ahnachron) Le4gion (anhachron)
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Letion (anacchron) Letgion (anahron) Legtion (anahcron) Legiion (anafhron) Legon (anafchron) Legoin (anacfhron)
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