Vnv Nation
Genesis (icon Of Coil Mix)

Breathing an air,
permeated, soaked in darkness,
emanating from within,
resonating like a scream no one can hear

I wear this chaos well.
Though none should save me,
desperation keeps me here,
my need for innocence,
the place where I began
The abyss becomes me,
I wear this chaos well.

Are these not words of heresy
a venom on my lips, a poison?
My spirit impurified
in everything I choose to say

With you I stand in hope that
god will save us from ourselves.
Every cry a wasted moment
until another day is lost.
Even lands we once called home
lie undiscovered and unknown.
Only heaven's silence for an answer.
And did our laughter, did our tears
have some purpose after all?
Did we toil in vain in hope
that wisdom came from what we'd done?
Even lands we once called home
lie undiscovered and unknown.
Only heaven's silence for an answer.

Are these not words of heresy
a venom on my lips, a poison?
My spirit impurified
in everything I choose to say

If I would shed my skin, the layers left,
but not the lessons learned
it would not undo what I have done
or grant forgiveness in some better days.

Mirror lyrics:

or grant forgiveness in some better days.
it would not undo what I have done
but not the lessons learned
If I would shed my skin, the layers left,

in everything I choose to say
My spirit impurified
a venom on my lips, a poison?
Are these not words of heresy

Only heaven's silence for an answer.
lie undiscovered and unknown.
Even lands we once called home
that wisdom came from what we'd done?
Did we toil in vain in hope
have some purpose after all?
And did our laughter, did our tears
Only heaven's silence for an answer.
lie undiscovered and unknown.
Even lands we once called home
until another day is lost.
Every cry a wasted moment
god will save us from ourselves.
With you I stand in hope that

in everything I choose to say
My spirit impurified
a venom on my lips, a poison?
Are these not words of heresy

I wear this chaos well.
The abyss becomes me,
the place where I began
my need for innocence,
desperation keeps me here,
Though none should save me,
I wear this chaos well.

resonating like a scream no one can hear
emanating from within,
permeated, soaked in darkness,
Breathing an air,

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GGenesis ((icon OOf CCoil MMix) enesis icon f oil ix) eGnesis i(con fO oCil iMx) henesis (iicon kf foil jix) hGenesis (con kOf fCoil jMix)
Ghenesis (cion Okf Cfoil Mjix) yenesis (jcon 9f xoil kix) yGenesis (jicon 9Of xCoil kMix) Gyenesis (ijcon O9f Cxoil Mkix) benesis (9con 0f voil nix)
bGenesis (9icon 0Of vCoil nMix) Gbenesis (i9con O0f Cvoil Mnix) venesis (lcon lf doil Miix) vGenesis (licon lOf dCoil Mx) Gvenesis (ilcon Olf Cdoil Mxi)
fenesis (ocon if Cooil Mjx) fGenesis (oicon iOf Cil Gfenesis (iocon Oif Ciol Mijx) tenesis (kcon Off Ckil M9x) tGenesis (kicon O Ckoil M9ix)
Gtenesis (ikcon Of Cokil Mi9x) Geenesis (8con Oc C9il Mlx) Gnesis (8icon Ocf C9oil Mlix) Gneesis (i8con Ofc Co9il Milx) Gsnesis (ucon Or C0il Mox)
Gsenesis (uicon Orf C0oil Moix) Gesnesis (iucon Ofr Co0il Miox) G3nesis (iccon Og Clil Mkx) G3enesis (ion Ogf Cloil Ge3nesis (iocn Ofg Colil Mikx)
Gfnesis (ifon Ot Ciil M8x) (ifcon Otf Cioil M8ix) Gefnesis (icfon Oft Coiil Mi8x) Grnesis (ixon Ov Mux) Grenesis (ixcon Ovf Col Muix)
Gernesis (icxon Ofv Coli Miux) G4nesis (ivon Od Cojl Mixx) G4enesis (ivcon Odf Cojil Mi) Ge4nesis (icvon Ofd Coijl Mi)x Gdnesis (idon Co9l Mid)
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Genmesis (ico9n Coikl Mixs) Gehesis (ic0n Co8l Mix)) Gehnesis (ic0on Co8il Mix Genhesis (ico0n Coi8l Mix) Gejesis (icln Coul
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