Vnv Nation
Beloved (grey Dawn Version By Vnv Nation)

It's colder than before
The seasons took all they had come for
Now winter dances here
It seems so fitting don't you think?
Dress the ground in white
And grey

It's so quiet I can hear
My thoughts touching every second I spent
Waiting for you
Circumstances affords me
No second chance
To tell you
How much I've missed you

My beloved do you know
When the warm wind comes again
Another year will start to pass
And please don't ask me why I'm here
Something deeper brought me
That I need to remember

We were once young and blessed with wings
No heights could keeps us from their reach
No sacred place we did not soar
Still greater things burned within us
I don't regret the choices that I've made
I know you feel the same

My beloved do you know
How many times I stared at clouds
Thinking that I saw you there
These are feelings that do not pass so easily
I can't forget what we claimed was ours

Moments lost though time remains
I am so proud of what we were
No pain remains
No feeling
Eternity awaits
Grant me wings that I might fly
My restless soul is longing
No pain remains
No feeling
Eternity awaits

Moments lost though time remains
I am so proud of what we were
No pain remains
No feeling
Eternity awaits
Grant me wings that I might fly
My restless soul is longing
No pain remains
No feeling

Eternity awaits

Mirror lyrics:

Eternity awaits

No feeling
No pain remains
My restless soul is longing
Grant me wings that I might fly
Eternity awaits
No feeling
No pain remains
I am so proud of what we were
Moments lost though time remains

Eternity awaits
No feeling
No pain remains
My restless soul is longing
Grant me wings that I might fly
Eternity awaits
No feeling
No pain remains
I am so proud of what we were
Moments lost though time remains

I can't forget what we claimed was ours
These are feelings that do not pass so easily
Thinking that I saw you there
How many times I stared at clouds
My beloved do you know

I know you feel the same
I don't regret the choices that I've made
Still greater things burned within us
No sacred place we did not soar
No heights could keeps us from their reach
We were once young and blessed with wings

That I need to remember
Something deeper brought me
And please don't ask me why I'm here
Another year will start to pass
When the warm wind comes again
My beloved do you know

How much I've missed you
To tell you
No second chance
Circumstances affords me
Waiting for you
My thoughts touching every second I spent
It's so quiet I can hear

And grey
Dress the ground in white
It seems so fitting don't you think?
Now winter dances here
The seasons took all they had come for
It's colder than before

Relevant Tags:
BBeloved ((grey DDawn VVersion BBy VVnv NNation) eloved grey awn ersion y nv ation) eBloved g(rey aDwn eVrsion yB nVv aNtion)
veloved (ggrey xawn bersion vy bnv mation) vBeloved (rey xDawn bVersion vBy bVnv mNation) Bveloved (rgey Dxawn Vbersion Bvy Vbnv Nmation)
geloved (hrey eawn cersion gy cnv hation) gBeloved (hgrey eDawn cVersion gBy cVnv hNation) Bgeloved (ghrey Deawn Vcersion Bgy Vcnv Nhation)
neloved (yrey fawn gersion ny gnv jation) nBeloved (ygrey fDawn gVersion nBy gVnv jNation) Bneloved (gyrey Dfawn Vgersion Bny Vgnv Njation)
heloved (brey rawn fersion hy fnv bation) hBeloved (bgrey rDawn fVersion hBy fVnv bNation) Bheloved (gbrey Drawn Vfersion Bhy Vfnv Nbation)
Beeloved (vrey cawn Veersion Byy Vnnv Naation) Bloved (vgrey cDawn Vrsion B Vv Ntion) Bleoved (gvrey Dcawn Vresion By Vvn Ntaion)
Bsloved (frey sawn Vsrsion Bg Vmv Nztion) Bseloved (fgrey sDawn Vsersion Vmnv Nzation) Besloved (gfrey Dsawn Vesrsion Byg Vnmv Naztion)
B3loved (trey Daawn V3rsion Bh Vhv Nqtion) B3eloved (tgrey Dwn V3ersion Vhnv Nqation) Be3loved (gtrey Dwan Ve3rsion Byh Vnhv Naqtion)
Bfloved (grrey Dzwn Vfrsion B6 Vjv Nstion) Bfeloved (gey Dzawn B6y Vjnv Nsation) Befloved (gery Dazwn Vefrsion By6 Vnjv Nastion)
Brloved (gdey Dqwn Vrrsion Bu Vbv Nwtion) Breloved (gdrey Dqawn Vrersion Buy Nwation) Berloved (grdey Daqwn Verrsion Byu Vnbv Nawtion)
B4loved (g4ey Dswn V4rsion B7 Vnvv Nxtion) B4eloved (g4rey V4ersion B7y Vn Nxation) Be4loved (gr4ey Daswn Ve4rsion By7 Vnv Naxtion)
Bdloved (ggey Dwwn Vdrsion Bj Vnb Nattion) Bdeloved Dwawn Vdersion Bjy Naion) Bedloved (grgey Dawwn Vedrsion Byj Vnvb Naiton)
Bwloved (gtey Dxwn Vwrsion Bt Vnc Nafion) Bweloved Vwersion Bty Vncv Naftion) Bewloved (grtey Daxwn Vewrsion Byt Vnvc Natfion)
Belloved (g5ey Vng Na5ion) Beoved (g5rey Dan Vesion Vngv Na5tion) Beolved (gr5ey Danw Vesrion Vnvg Nat5ion)
Bekoved (gfey Daan Vedsion Vnf Nahion) Bekloved Vnfv Nahtion) Belkoved (grfey Dawan Verdsion Vnvf Nathion)
Beooved (geey Da3n Ve4sion Nayion) Beoloved (gerey Da3wn Naytion) Belooved (greey Daw3n Ver4sion Natyion)
Bepoved Dadn Vegsion Na6ion) Beploved (gry Dadwn Vegrsion Na6tion) Belpoved (grye Dawdn Vergsion Nat6ion)
(grsy Daen Vetsion Nagion) Belved (grsey Daewn Vetrsion Nagtion) Belvoed (gresy Dawen Vertsion Natgion)
Belkved (gr3y Dasn Ve5sion Narion) (gr3ey Ve5rsion Nartion) Belokved (gre3y Dawsn Ver5sion Natrion)
Bel9ved (grfy Da2n Vefsion Natiion) Bel9oved Da2wn Naton) Belo9ved (grefy Daw2n Verfsion Natoin)
Bel0ved (grry Daqn Veesion Natjon) Bel0oved Natjion) Belo0ved (grery Dawqn Veresion Natijon)
Bellved (gr4y Dawnn Verssion Nat9on)

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