The Warmest Part Of The Winter

Come inside you are hungry for sleep
You are the warmest part of the winter
When I was young I made a plan
That I would never break myself
Lift the shade and let some light in the room
We don't see the sun anymore
I've been told I gave my soul to live the days for someone else

Oh you awake to find you have died
Oh you awake to find it's gone out of you
Oh you awake to find you are all covered in dark
With nothing ready to start or to see through
I had a name
I let it leave me
I had a plan to settle you in
I am a man
I am uneasy
Come out come out and let me go in

Done and done you caught the scent of a man
You can never get back to nature
And you walked down some dirty dreamer
Keep you up all through the dawn
Turn your head
Remember this is free love
You are free to bury the body
That ties you down and sets you free and touches you from right to wrong

You awake to find you have died
Oh you awake to find it's gone out of you
Oh you awake to find you are all covered in dark
With nothing ready to start or to see through
I had a name
I let it leave me
I had a plan to settle you in
I am a man
I am uneasy
Come out come out and let me go in

Tell me you love me but don't say it with words
I wanna feel your body around me
And twenty years of push and pull have left you searchin' for a name
But maybe I have come here to die
To watch the life go out of my body
Take apart the ugly days and you will never see the sun

I had a name
I let it leave me
I had a plan to settle you in
I am man
I am uneasy
Come out come out and let me come in

Mirror lyrics:

Come out come out and let me come in
I am uneasy
I am man
I had a plan to settle you in
I let it leave me
I had a name

Take apart the ugly days and you will never see the sun
To watch the life go out of my body
But maybe I have come here to die
And twenty years of push and pull have left you searchin' for a name
I wanna feel your body around me
Tell me you love me but don't say it with words

Come out come out and let me go in
I am uneasy
I am a man
I had a plan to settle you in
I let it leave me
I had a name
With nothing ready to start or to see through
Oh you awake to find you are all covered in dark
Oh you awake to find it's gone out of you
You awake to find you have died

That ties you down and sets you free and touches you from right to wrong
You are free to bury the body
Remember this is free love
Turn your head
Keep you up all through the dawn
And you walked down some dirty dreamer
You can never get back to nature
Done and done you caught the scent of a man

Come out come out and let me go in
I am uneasy
I am a man
I had a plan to settle you in
I let it leave me
I had a name
With nothing ready to start or to see through
Oh you awake to find you are all covered in dark
Oh you awake to find it's gone out of you
Oh you awake to find you have died

I've been told I gave my soul to live the days for someone else
We don't see the sun anymore
Lift the shade and let some light in the room
That I would never break myself
When I was young I made a plan
You are the warmest part of the winter
Come inside you are hungry for sleep

Relevant Tags:
TThe WWarmest PPart OOf TThe WWinter he armest art f he inter hTe aWrmest aPrt fO hTe iWnter fhe aarmest 0art kf fhe ainter fThe aWarmest 0Part kOf fThe aWinter
Tfhe Waarmest P0art Okf Tfhe Wainter 5he 3armest lart 9f 5he 3inter 5The 3Warmest lPart 9Of 5The 3Winter T5he W3armest Plart O9f T5he W3inter hhe darmest oart 0f hhe dinter
hThe dWarmest oPart 0Of hThe dWinter Thhe Wdarmest Poart O0f Thhe Wdinter yhe earmest Paart lf yhe einter yThe eWarmest Prt lOf yThe eWinter Tyhe Wearmest Prat Olf Tyhe Weinter
6he sarmest Pzrt if 6he sinter 6The sWarmest Pzart iOf 6The sWinter T6he Wsarmest Pazrt Oif T6he Wsinter ghe 2armest Pqrt Off ghe 2inter gThe 2Warmest Pqart O gThe 2Winter
Tghe W2armest Paqrt Of Tghe W2inter rhe qarmest Psrt Oc rhe qinter rThe qWarmest Psart Ocf rThe qWinter Trhe Wqarmest Pasrt Ofc Trhe Wqinter Pwrt Or Wiinter
Te Wrmest Pwart Orf Te Wnter Teh Wramest Pawrt Ofr Teh Wniter Tje Wzrmest Pxrt Og Tje Wjnter Tjhe Wzarmest Pxart Ogf Tjhe Wjinter Thje Wazrmest Paxrt Ofg Thje Wijnter
Tue Wqrmest Parrt Ot Tue W9nter Tuhe Pat Otf Tuhe W9inter Thue Waqrmest Patr Oft Thue Wi9nter Tne Wsrmest Padt Ov Tne Wlnter Tnhe Padrt Ovf Tnhe Wlinter
Thne Wasrmest Pardt Ofv Thne Wilnter Tbe Wwrmest Pa4t Od Tbe Wonter Tbhe Wwarmest Pa4rt Odf Tbhe Wointer Thbe Wawrmest Par4t Ofd Thbe Wionter Tge Wxrmest Pagt Tge Wknter
Wxarmest Pagrt Wkinter Thge Waxrmest Pargt Thge Wiknter Tye Warrmest Patt Tye W8nter Wamest Patrt W8inter Thye Wamrest Partt Thye Wi8nter
Thee Wadmest Pa5t Thee Wunter Th Wadrmest Pa5rt Th Wuinter The Wardmest Par5t The Wiunter Ths Wa4mest Paft Ths Winnter Thse Wa4rmest Pafrt Thse Witer
Thes War4mest Parft Thes Witner Th3 Wagmest Paet Th3 Wimter Th3e Wagrmest Paert Th3e Wimnter The3 Wargmest Paret The3 Winmter Thf Watmest Thf Wihter
Thfe Watrmest Par Thfe Wihnter Thef Wartmest Part Thef Winhter Thr Wa5mest Parf Thr Wijter Thre Wa5rmest Thre Ther War5mest Partf Ther Winjter
Th4 Wafmest Par5 Th4 Wibter Th4e Wafrmest Th4e Wibnter The4 Warfmest Part5 The4 Winbter Thd Waemest Parh Thd Wintter Thde Waermest Parht Thde Winer
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