Voodoo Glow Skulls
Matter Of Time

i'm gonna be a rich man. i must give thanks
to you. you messed up one last time and now
i'm gonna sue you. Larry Parker's my good friend.
he did it for me once, and he'll do it again. how
i wish there was something you could do. you can't
even call 1-800 THE LAW 2. don't you know it's
the american way. you could even sue your parents
for bringing you up the wrong way. i know it sounds
crazy, but it's true. don't say the wrong thing cause
i will sue you. my every wish is your command. that's
what the law says, the case is closed.
you're a sitting duck. it's just a matter of time.

Mirror lyrics:

you're a sitting duck. it's just a matter of time.
what the law says, the case is closed.
i will sue you. my every wish is your command. that's
crazy, but it's true. don't say the wrong thing cause
for bringing you up the wrong way. i know it sounds
the american way. you could even sue your parents
even call 1-800 THE LAW 2. don't you know it's
i wish there was something you could do. you can't
he did it for me once, and he'll do it again. how
i'm gonna sue you. Larry Parker's my good friend.
to you. you messed up one last time and now
i'm gonna be a rich man. i must give thanks

Relevant Tags:
MMatter OOf TTime atter f ime aMtter fO iTme jatter kf fime jMatter kOf fTime Mjatter Okf Tfime katter 9f 5ime kMatter 9Of 5Time
Mkatter O9f T5ime natter 0f hime nMatter 0Of hTime Mnatter O0f Thime Maatter lf yime Mtter lOf yTime Mtater Olf Tyime Mztter if 6ime
Mzatter iOf 6Time Maztter Oif T6ime Mqtter Off gime Mqatter O gTime Maqtter Of Tgime Mstter Oc rime Msatter Ocf rTime Mastter Ofc Trime
Mwtter Or Tiime Mwatter Orf Tme Mawtter Ofr Tmie Mxtter Og Tjme Mxatter Ogf Tjime Maxtter Ofg Tijme Mattter Ot T9me Mater Otf T9ime
Matter Oft Ti9me Mafter Ov Tlme Maftter Ovf Tlime Matfter Ofv Tilme Ma5ter Od Tome Ma5tter Odf Toime Mat5ter Ofd Tiome Mahter Tkme
Mahtter Tkime Mathter Tikme Mayter T8me Maytter T8ime Matyter Ti8me Ma6ter Tume Ma6tter Tuime Mat6ter Tiume
Magter Timme Magtter Tie Matgter Tiem Marter Tije Martter Matrter Timje Tike

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