Uriah Heep
Wake Up (set Your Sights)

Wake up, set your sights
For never shall we fail
Stand up for your rights
And justice will prevail

You're listening
Through endless nights
And decision is your goal
So wake up, set your sights
Oh, the time is right for your role
Yeah, or your role

Wake up, wake up, wake up
Set your sights
Never, never, never
Shall we fail
Stand up, stand up, stand up
For your rights
Justice, justice, justice
Will prevail

There in the morning
Flying over the hills
While men are yawning
They are crushed by our wills
Never have I witnessed
People in fear
Not like today
Not in many a year

Go kill another
There are more close behind
"No" screams a mother
"Are you out of your mind"
Though they are shattered
They just don't seem to yield
Bodies are scattered
In all parts of the field

Oh no, did I tell you
What would happen if you tried
"Oh god, stop this killing!"
Said a young man
Before he died

Mirror lyrics:

Before he died
Said a young man
"Oh god, stop this killing!"
What would happen if you tried
Oh no, did I tell you

In all parts of the field
Bodies are scattered
They just don't seem to yield
Though they are shattered
"Are you out of your mind"
"No" screams a mother
There are more close behind
Go kill another

Not in many a year
Not like today
People in fear
Never have I witnessed
They are crushed by our wills
While men are yawning
Flying over the hills
There in the morning

Will prevail
Justice, justice, justice
For your rights
Stand up, stand up, stand up
Shall we fail
Never, never, never
Set your sights
Wake up, wake up, wake up

Yeah, or your role
Oh, the time is right for your role
So wake up, set your sights
And decision is your goal
Through endless nights
You're listening

And justice will prevail
Stand up for your rights
For never shall we fail
Wake up, set your sights

Relevant Tags:
WWake UUp ((set YYour SSights) ake p set our ights) aWke pU s(et oYur iSghts) aake hp (sset gour zights) aWake hUp (et gYour zSights)
Waake Uhp (est Ygour Szights) 3ake 7p (zet hour wights) 3Wake 7Up (zset hYour wSights) W3ake U7p (szet Yhour Swights) dake kp (wet 6our dights)
dWake kUp (wset 6Your dSights) Wdake Ukp (swet Y6our Sdights) eake ip (det uour eights) eWake iUp (dset uYour eSights) Weake Uip (sdet Yuour Seights)
sake 8p (eet 7our xights) sWake 8Up (eset 7Your xSights) Wsake U8p (seet Y7our Sxights) 2ake jp (xet jour aights) 2Wake jUp (xset jYour aSights)
W2ake Ujp (sxet Yjour Saights) qake yp (aet tour Siights) qWake yUp (aset tYour Sghts) Wqake Uyp (saet Ytour Sgihts) Upp Yoour Sjghts)
Wke U (st Yur Sjights) Wkae Up (ste Yuor Sijghts) Wzke U0 (sst Ykur S9ghts) Wzake U0p Ykour S9ights) Wazke Up0 (sest Yokur Si9ghts)
Wqke Ul (s3t Y9ur Slghts) Ulp (s3et Y9our Slights) Waqke Upl (se3t Yo9ur Silghts) Wske Uo (sft Y0ur Soghts) Uop (sfet Y0our Soights)
Waske Upo (seft Yo0ur Sioghts) Wwke (srt Ylur Skghts) Wwake (sret Ylour Skights) Wawke (sert Yolur Sikghts) Wxke (s4t Yiur S8ghts)
Wxake (s4et Yiour S8ights) Waxke (se4t Yoiur Si8ghts) Wakke (sdt Youur Sughts) Wae Yor Suights) Waek (sedt Yoru Siughts)
Wale (swt Yohr Sigghts) Walke Yohur Sihts) Wakle (sewt Youhr Sihgts) Waoe (sett Yo7r Sihhts) Waoke (se Yo7ur Sihghts)
Wakoe (set You7r Sighhts) Wame (sef Yokr Siyhts) Wamke Siyghts) Wakme (setf Youkr Sigyhts) Waje (se5 Yoir Sibhts)
Wajke (se5t Sibghts) Wakje (set5 Youir Sigbhts) Waie (seh Yo8r Sivhts) Waike (seht Yo8ur Sivghts) Wakie (seth You8r Sigvhts)
Wakee (sey Yojr Sifhts) Wak (seyt Yojur Sifghts) Wake (sety Youjr Sigfhts) Waks (se6 Yoyr Sithts)

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