Uriah Heep
Who Needs Me

Don't take life for granted
'cause you know that
Life won't grant you back
The feelings on the love
That you once had

You've taken me for granted
'cause you know
I'm a lover just like you
And I'll do anything
You want me to

Who needs me?
Who needs me now?
You'll find someone
How you'll find one
Who needs me?
Who needs me now?
You'll find another but no better

You can't argue with me now
I needed you and
You did not know how

Don't let go of something
That is good when
I'll tell you it's bad
Let 'em hear the story
Make 'em sad

And if the price of love
Can cost you less than
When it first began
I guess that you won't
Find a better man

Who needs me ...

Mirror lyrics:

Who needs me ...

Find a better man
I guess that you won't
When it first began
Can cost you less than
And if the price of love

Make 'em sad
Let 'em hear the story
I'll tell you it's bad
That is good when
Don't let go of something

You did not know how
I needed you and
You can't argue with me now

You'll find another but no better
Who needs me now?
Who needs me?
How you'll find one
You'll find someone
Who needs me now?
Who needs me?

You want me to
And I'll do anything
I'm a lover just like you
'cause you know
You've taken me for granted

That you once had
The feelings on the love
Life won't grant you back
'cause you know that
Don't take life for granted

Relevant Tags:
WWho NNeeds MMe ho eeds e hWo eNeds eM aho meeds je aWho mNeeds jMe Waho Nmeeds Mje 3ho heeds ke 3Who hNeeds kMe W3ho Nheeds Mke
dho jeeds ne dWho jNeeds nMe Wdho Njeeds Mne eho beeds Mee eWho bNeeds M Weho Nbeeds Me sho Neeeds Ms sWho Neds Mse Wsho Needs Mes
2ho Nseds M3 2Who Nseeds M3e W2ho Neseds Me3 qho N3eds Mf qWho N3eeds Mfe Wqho Ne3eds Mef Whho Nfeds Mr Wo Nfeeds Mre Woh Nefeds Mer
Wjo Nreds M4 Wjho Nreeds M4e Whjo Nereds Me4 Wuo N4eds Md Wuho N4eeds Mde Whuo Ne4eds Med Wno Ndeds Mw Wnho Ndeeds Mwe Whno Nededs Mew
Wbo Nweds Wbho Nweeds Whbo Neweds Wgo Wgho Whgo Nedes Wyo Nesds

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