Uriah Heep
Rainbow Demon

There rides the rainbow demon
On his horse of crimson fire
Black shadows are following closely
On the heels of his desire

Ridin' on in the mist of morning
No one dared to stand in his way
Possessed by some distant calling
Riding on through night and day

Rainbow demon
Pick up your heart and run
Rainbow demon
Lives for his sword and his gun

Mirror lyrics:

Lives for his sword and his gun
Rainbow demon
Pick up your heart and run
Rainbow demon

Riding on through night and day
Possessed by some distant calling
No one dared to stand in his way
Ridin' on in the mist of morning

On the heels of his desire
Black shadows are following closely
On his horse of crimson fire
There rides the rainbow demon

Relevant Tags:
RRainbow DDemon ainbow emon aRinbow eDmon dainbow xemon dRainbow xDemon Rdainbow Dxemon 4ainbow eemon 4Rainbow eDemon R4ainbow Deemon
gainbow femon gRainbow fDemon Rgainbow Dfemon tainbow remon tRainbow rDemon Rtainbow Dremon 5ainbow cemon 5Rainbow cDemon R5ainbow Dcemon
fainbow semon fRainbow sDemon Rfainbow Dsemon eainbow eRainbow Dmon Reainbow Dmeon Raainbow Dsmon Rinbow Rianbow Desmon
Rzinbow D3mon Rzainbow D3emon Razinbow De3mon Rqinbow Dfmon Rqainbow Raqinbow Defmon Rsinbow Drmon Rsainbow Rasinbow Dermon
Rwinbow D4mon Rwainbow D4emon Rawinbow De4mon Rxinbow Ddmon Rxainbow Ddemon Raxinbow Dedmon Raiinbow Dwmon Ranbow Dwemon Ranibow Dewmon
Rajnbow Demmon Rajinbow Deon Raijnbow Deomn Ra9nbow Dejon Ra9inbow Dejmon Rai9nbow Demjon Ralnbow Dekon Ralinbow Dekmon Railnbow Demkon
Raonbow Denon Raoinbow Denmon Raionbow Demnon Raknbow Demoon Rakinbow Demn Raiknbow Demno Ra8nbow Demkn Ra8inbow Rai8nbow Demokn
Raunbow Dem9n Rauinbow Dem9on Raiunbow Demo9n Rainnbow Dem0n

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