Uriah Heep
Love In Silence

(know yourself)

This is our world, our future
These are our times
I believe we have to see
In silence there's no mystery

The world is so busy talking
What do they know
They're missing out on being alive
Words are turning into lies

We're looking for love to guide us
What do we know
The truth is never to be told
It's waiting there inside your soul

The innocent join
In fighting so easily
In a world of pain and war
Who knows what they're fighting for

What they're fighting for
Oh, what they're fighting for
What they're fighting for

Many rivers running out to sea
One heart with a cry for love
Many dreamers in a moonlit sky
One sigh and they are gone

Love is the only direction
That leads to truth
Knowing in your heart what's right
You'll walk upon the sea of light

There's something
In love and silence
That you can find
Know yourself and all around
Listen to the only sound

Mirror lyrics:

Listen to the only sound
Know yourself and all around
That you can find
In love and silence
There's something

You'll walk upon the sea of light
Knowing in your heart what's right
That leads to truth
Love is the only direction

One sigh and they are gone
Many dreamers in a moonlit sky
One heart with a cry for love
Many rivers running out to sea

What they're fighting for
Oh, what they're fighting for
What they're fighting for

Who knows what they're fighting for
In a world of pain and war
In fighting so easily
The innocent join

It's waiting there inside your soul
The truth is never to be told
What do we know
We're looking for love to guide us

Words are turning into lies
They're missing out on being alive
What do they know
The world is so busy talking

In silence there's no mystery
I believe we have to see
These are our times
This is our world, our future

(know yourself)

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIn SSilence ove n ilence oLve nI iSlence kove jn zilence kLove jIn zSilence Lkove Ijn Szilence oove 9n wilence
oLove 9In wSilence Loove I9n Swilence pove ln dilence pLove lIn dSilence Lpove Iln Sdilence on eilence Lve oIn eSilence
Lvoe Ion Seilence Lkve kn xilence kIn xSilence Lokve Ikn Sxilence L9ve 8n ailence L9ove 8In aSilence Lo9ve I8n Sailence
L0ve un Siilence L0ove uIn Slence Lo0ve Iun Slience Llve Inn Sjlence Llove I Sjilence Lolve In Sijlence Live Im S9lence
Liove Imn S9ilence Loive Inm Si9lence Lovve Ih Sllence Loe Ihn Slilence Loev Inh Sillence Lobe Ij Solence Lobve Soilence
Lovbe Inj Siolence Loce Ib Sklence Locve Ibn Skilence Lovce Inb Siklence Loge S8lence Logve S8ilence Lovge Si8lence
Lofe Sulence Lofve Suilence Lovfe Siulence Lovee Lov Sience Love Sielnce Lovs Sikence
Lovse Loves Silkence Lov3 Sioence Lov3e Love3 Siloence Lovf Sipence Siplence
Lovef Silpence Lovr Sileence Lovre Silnce Lover Silnece Lov4 Silsnce Lov4e Silsence Love4 Silesnce
Lovd Sil3nce Lovde Sil3ence

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