Uriah Heep
Magic Lantern

When you look inside
My magic lantern
All the world is yet unseen
Try to gaze into
The yellow glowing
To get a reflection of me

In a land of make believe and magic
You can be just anything you feel
You think that what you're in is a dream
But know that the lantern is viewing

View the magic lantern
Take a trip around the world
View the magic lantern
There's a thousand
Mysteries unfurled
And I know one of them

I remember your face
Can't remember the place
Here on our own
Living alone

You can dream that
You're a man of power
Ready to be happy with your gold
Without love your mind is going sour
Money's no good when you're old

View the magic lantern
You can have the sky above
Yeah, the magic lantern
You'll buy everything but love
Everything but love

Mirror lyrics:

Everything but love
You'll buy everything but love
Yeah, the magic lantern
You can have the sky above
View the magic lantern

Money's no good when you're old
Without love your mind is going sour
Ready to be happy with your gold
You're a man of power
You can dream that

Living alone
Here on our own
Can't remember the place
I remember your face

And I know one of them
Mysteries unfurled
There's a thousand
View the magic lantern
Take a trip around the world
View the magic lantern

But know that the lantern is viewing
You think that what you're in is a dream
You can be just anything you feel
In a land of make believe and magic

To get a reflection of me
The yellow glowing
Try to gaze into
All the world is yet unseen
My magic lantern
When you look inside

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MMagic LLantern agic antern aMgic aLntern jagic kantern jMagic kLantern Mjagic Lkantern kagic oantern kMagic oLantern Mkagic Loantern
nagic pantern nMagic pLantern Mnagic Lpantern Maagic Laantern Mgic Lntern Mgaic Lnatern Mzgic Lzntern Mzagic Lzantern Mazgic Lazntern
Mqgic Lqntern Mqagic Lqantern Maqgic Laqntern Msgic Lsntern Msagic Lsantern Masgic Lasntern Mwgic Lwntern Mwagic Lwantern Mawgic Lawntern
Mxgic Lxntern Mxagic Lxantern Maxgic Laxntern Maggic Lanntern Maic Latern Maigc Latnern Mahic Lamtern Mahgic Lamntern Maghic Lanmtern
Mayic Lahtern Maygic Lahntern Magyic Lanhtern Mabic Lajtern Mabgic Lajntern Magbic Lanjtern Mavic Labtern Mavgic Labntern Magvic Lanbtern
Mafic Lanttern Mafgic Lanern Magfic Lanetrn Matic Lanfern Matgic Lanftern Magtic Lantfern Magiic Lan5ern Magc Lan5tern Magci Lant5ern
Magjc Lanhern Magjic Magijc Lanthern Mag9c Lanyern Mag9ic Lanytern Magi9c Lantyern Maglc Lan6ern Maglic Lan6tern

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