Uriah Heep
It Ain't Easy

You make it all sound easy
Now you've tasted all my wine
I never wanted to hear the news
That you'd found another man
But it's hard to see
What you want from me
It's not easy to be in-between
It's now up to you to
Make the move this time

But it ain't easy when you
Don't know where to turn
And it ain't easy
But you take the chance
The final chance to learn
Yes, to learn
That it ain't easy when you
Don't know where to turn
And it ain't easy, so you take a look
Another look at life - look at life

¡®cause it ain't what you've got
In the palm of your hand
And it's not what you'll get
From another man
That will last you
The rest of your life my friend

Monday morning's waiting
Take a look at what you see
Make the most of your life
Don't keep the pages clean
Baby, now you've got this chance
Don't leave me out
It's so hard when
You're in-between
What you need and
What may never be

It ain't easy ...

Mirror lyrics:

It ain't easy ...

What may never be
What you need and
You're in-between
It's so hard when
Don't leave me out
Baby, now you've got this chance
Don't keep the pages clean
Make the most of your life
Take a look at what you see
Monday morning's waiting

The rest of your life my friend
That will last you
From another man
And it's not what you'll get
In the palm of your hand
¡®cause it ain't what you've got

Another look at life - look at life
And it ain't easy, so you take a look
Don't know where to turn
That it ain't easy when you
Yes, to learn
The final chance to learn
But you take the chance
And it ain't easy
Don't know where to turn
But it ain't easy when you

Make the move this time
It's now up to you to
It's not easy to be in-between
What you want from me
But it's hard to see
That you'd found another man
I never wanted to hear the news
Now you've tasted all my wine
You make it all sound easy

Relevant Tags:
IIt AAin't EEasy t in't asy tI iAn't aEsy jt zin't sasy jIt zAin't sEasy Ijt Azin't Esasy 9t qin't 3asy 9It qAin't 3Easy I9t Aqin't E3asy
lt sin't fasy lIt sAin't fEasy Ilt Asin't Efasy ot win't rasy oIt wAin't rEasy Iot Awin't Erasy kt xin't 4asy kIt xAin't 4Easy Ikt Axin't E4asy
8t Aiin't dasy 8It An't dEasy I8t Ani't Edasy ut Ajn't wasy uIt Ajin't wEasy Iut Aijn't Ewasy Itt A9n't Eaasy I A9in't Esy It Ai9n't Esay
If Aln't Ezsy Ift Alin't Ezasy Itf Ailn't Eazsy I5 Aon't Eqsy I5t Aoin't Eqasy It5 Aion't Eaqsy Ih Akn't Essy Iht Akin't Ith Aikn't Eassy
Iy A8n't Ewsy Iyt A8in't Ity Ai8n't Eawsy I6 Aun't Exsy I6t Auin't Exasy It6 Aiun't Eaxsy

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