Uriah Heep
Easy Road [film Mix Version]

If you're looking for a place you can fly together
And you're really afraid of what you're leaving behind
Take the easiest road but take care my brother
For you'll never find peace with a troubled mind

Far better to love each other than to worry so deeply
'Bout the place you're in and far better to kiss her softly
Than lookin' back on a love you'll never have again

Time's as fickle as the sky in winter
And two hearts always were better than one
Love has the wings of a tireless angel
She'll stay beside you till the day is done

La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la

Far better to love each other than to worry so deeply
'Bout the place you're in and far better to kiss her softly
Than lookin' back on a love you'll never have again

You'll never have again
No no no, never again
You'll never have again

Mirror lyrics:

You'll never have again
No no no, never again
You'll never have again

Than lookin' back on a love you'll never have again
'Bout the place you're in and far better to kiss her softly
Far better to love each other than to worry so deeply

La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la

She'll stay beside you till the day is done
Love has the wings of a tireless angel
And two hearts always were better than one
Time's as fickle as the sky in winter

Than lookin' back on a love you'll never have again
'Bout the place you're in and far better to kiss her softly
Far better to love each other than to worry so deeply

For you'll never find peace with a troubled mind
Take the easiest road but take care my brother
And you're really afraid of what you're leaving behind
If you're looking for a place you can fly together

Relevant Tags:
EEasy RRoad [[film MMix VVersion] asy oad film ix ersion] aEsy oRad f[ilm iMx eVrsion] sasy doad [ffilm jix bersion] sEasy dRoad [ilm jMix bVersion]
Esasy Rdoad [iflm Mjix Vbersion] 3asy 4oad [cilm kix cersion] 3Easy 4Road [cfilm kMix cVersion] E3asy R4oad [fcilm Mkix Vcersion] fasy goad [rilm nix gersion]
fEasy gRoad [rfilm nMix gVersion] Efasy Rgoad [frilm Mnix Vgersion] rasy toad [gilm Miix fersion] rEasy tRoad [gfilm Mx fVersion] Erasy Rtoad [fgilm Mxi Vfersion]
4asy 5oad [tilm Mjx Veersion] 4Easy 5Road [tfilm Vrsion] E4asy R5oad [ftilm Mijx Vresion] dasy foad [vilm M9x Vsrsion] dEasy fRoad [vfilm M9ix Vsersion]
Edasy Rfoad [fvilm Mi9x Vesrsion] wasy eoad [dilm Mlx V3rsion] wEasy eRoad [dfilm Mlix V3ersion] Ewasy Reoad [fdilm Milx Ve3rsion] Eaasy Rooad [fiilm Mox Vfrsion]
Esy Rad [flm Moix Esay Raod [flim Miox Vefrsion] Ezsy Rkad [fjlm Mkx Vrrsion] Ezasy Rkoad [fjilm Vrersion] Eazsy Rokad [fijlm Mikx Verrsion]
Eqsy R9ad [f9lm M8x V4rsion] Eqasy R9oad [f9ilm M8ix V4ersion] Eaqsy Ro9ad [fi9lm Mi8x Ve4rsion] Essy R0ad [fllm Mux Vdrsion] R0oad [flilm Muix Vdersion]
Eassy Ro0ad [fillm Miux Vedrsion] Ewsy Rlad [folm Mixx Vwrsion] Rload [foilm Mi Vwersion] Eawsy Rolad [fiolm Mix Vewrsion] Exsy Riad [fklm Mid
Exasy Rioad [fkilm Midx Vesion] Eaxsy Roiad [fiklm Mixd Vesrion] Roaad [f8lm Miz Vedsion] Eay Rod [f8ilm Mizx Eays Roda [fi8lm Mixz Verdsion]
Eazy Rozd [fulm Mic Ve4sion] Rozad [fuilm Micx Easzy Roazd [fiulm Mixc Ver4sion] Eawy Roqd Mis Vegsion] Roqad [fim Misx Vegrsion]
Easwy Roaqd [fiml Mixs Vergsion] Eady Rosd [fikm Vetsion] Eadsy Rosad Vetrsion] Easdy Roasd [filkm Vertsion] Eaey Rowd [fiom Ve5sion]
Eaesy Rowad Ve5rsion] Easey Roawd [filom Ver5sion] Eaxy Roxd [fipm Vefsion] Roxad [fiplm Easxy Roaxd [filpm Verfsion]
Eaay Roadd [filmm Veesion] Roa [fil Easay Road [film Veresion] Easyy Roax [filj Verssion] Eas [filjm Verion]
Easy Roadx [filmj Verison]

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