Gordon Cormier
Distant As The Stars

G. Cormier
Is this the last time that I will kiss you
or hold you like I've done so many times
or will things sort a fall back in their places
like before when I thought all your love was mine
And is this the last time that we'll be lovers
is it to late to find out what we could've had
these feelings that I have for no other
were crushed and my heart is growin' sad
You don't know how I feel that's why you ask me
if I really know what my feeling are

Lord I wish we could've made it one step farther
but now my chances are as distant as the stars
I don't think that I could ever forget you
you stole a place in my heart and left a scare
but I still love you even though you don't want me
I guess it was never written in the stars
(Chorus Twice)

Mirror lyrics:

(Chorus Twice)
I guess it was never written in the stars
but I still love you even though you don't want me
you stole a place in my heart and left a scare
I don't think that I could ever forget you
but now my chances are as distant as the stars
Lord I wish we could've made it one step farther

if I really know what my feeling are
You don't know how I feel that's why you ask me
were crushed and my heart is growin' sad
these feelings that I have for no other
is it to late to find out what we could've had
And is this the last time that we'll be lovers
like before when I thought all your love was mine
or will things sort a fall back in their places
or hold you like I've done so many times
Is this the last time that I will kiss you
G. Cormier

Relevant Tags:
DDistant AAs TThe SStars istant s he tars iDstant sA hTe tSars xistant zs fhe ztars xDistant zAs fThe zStars Dxistant Azs Tfhe Sztars
eistant qs 5he wtars eDistant qAs 5The wStars Deistant Aqs T5he Swtars fistant ss hhe dtars fDistant sAs hThe dStars Dfistant Ass Thhe Sdtars
ristant ws yhe etars rDistant wAs yThe eStars Dristant Aws Tyhe Setars cistant xs 6he xtars cDistant xAs 6The xStars Dcistant Axs T6he Sxtars
sistant ghe atars sDistant A gThe aStars Dsistant As Tghe Satars Diistant Az rhe Sttars Dstant rThe Sars Dsitant Asz Trhe Satrs
Djstant Aw Sfars Djistant Te Sftars Dijstant Asw Teh Stfars D9stant Ad Tje S5ars D9istant Ads Tjhe S5tars Di9stant Asd Thje St5ars
Dlstant Ae Tue Shars Dlistant Aes Tuhe Shtars Dilstant Ase Thue Sthars Dostant Ax Tne Syars Doistant Tnhe Sytars Diostant Asx Thne Styars
Dkstant Aa Tbe S6ars Dkistant Aas Tbhe S6tars Dikstant Asa Thbe St6ars D8stant Tge Sgars D8istant Sgtars Di8stant Thge Stgars
Dustant Tye Srars Duistant Srtars Diustant Thye Strars Disstant Thee Staars Ditant Th Strs Ditsant The Stras
Diztant Ths Stzrs Dizstant Thse Stzars Disztant Thes Stazrs Diwtant Th3 Stqrs Diwstant Th3e Stqars Diswtant The3 Staqrs
Didtant Thf Stsrs Didstant Thfe Stsars Disdtant Thef Stasrs Dietant Thr Stwrs Diestant Thre Stwars Disetant Ther Stawrs
Dixtant Th4 Stxrs Dixstant Th4e Stxars Disxtant The4 Staxrs Diatant Thd Starrs Diastant Thde Stas Disatant Thed Stasr
Disttant Thw Stads Disant Thwe Stadrs Disatnt Thew Stards Disfant Sta4s Disftant Sta4rs Distfant Star4s
Dis5ant Stags

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