Asleep At The Wheel

it's taking a lot out of me
to tell you how long it will be
before i can spend some sweet time with you again
(sweet time)

i'm hoping i'll be finding success
(you know you will)
you know that i'll be trying my best
(you know i will)
the thousands of miles will not make me love you less

so i'll see the world while you stay home
and i'll drive these roads paved in loneliness

the dotted lines show us where we're supposed to go
we stay inside them in fear that we'll lose control
the night falls and the lights they provoke a thought of you

so think what you want of me
i'm leaving
i'll be falling asleep at the wheel

for once in my life i can say i am right about something
i've never been this positively certain

i'm leaving

fill me up with unleaded regular
we've got 500 miles before this night is over
by this time tomorow i'll be filling up again

so think what you want of me
i'm leaving
i'll be falling asleep at the wheel

trace the moment
trace the time
find the second i lost my mind
'cause i've been thinking for the longest time about me and you

so i'll see the world while you stay home
(ive been thinking about me and you)
and i'll drive these roads paved in loneliness
(ive been thinking about me and you)

so i'll see the world while you stay home
(what are we going to do?)
and i'll drive these roads paved in loneliness
(what are we going to do?)

for once in my life i can say i am right about something
i've never been this positively certain
i'm leaving

Mirror lyrics:

i'm leaving
i've never been this positively certain
for once in my life i can say i am right about something

(what are we going to do?)
and i'll drive these roads paved in loneliness
(what are we going to do?)
so i'll see the world while you stay home

(ive been thinking about me and you)
and i'll drive these roads paved in loneliness
(ive been thinking about me and you)
so i'll see the world while you stay home

'cause i've been thinking for the longest time about me and you
find the second i lost my mind
trace the time
trace the moment

i'll be falling asleep at the wheel
i'm leaving
so think what you want of me

by this time tomorow i'll be filling up again
we've got 500 miles before this night is over
fill me up with unleaded regular

i'm leaving

i've never been this positively certain
for once in my life i can say i am right about something

i'll be falling asleep at the wheel
i'm leaving
so think what you want of me

the night falls and the lights they provoke a thought of you
we stay inside them in fear that we'll lose control
the dotted lines show us where we're supposed to go

and i'll drive these roads paved in loneliness
so i'll see the world while you stay home

the thousands of miles will not make me love you less
(you know i will)
you know that i'll be trying my best
(you know you will)
i'm hoping i'll be finding success

(sweet time)
before i can spend some sweet time with you again
to tell you how long it will be
it's taking a lot out of me

Relevant Tags:
AAsleep AAt TThe WWheel sleep t he heel sAleep tA hTe hWeel zsleep zt fhe aheel zAsleep zAt fThe aWheel Azsleep Azt Tfhe Waheel
qsleep qt 5he 3heel qAsleep qAt 5The 3Wheel Aqsleep Aqt T5he W3heel ssleep st hhe dheel sAsleep sAt hThe dWheel Assleep Ast Thhe Wdheel
wsleep wt yhe eheel wAsleep wAt yThe eWheel Awsleep Awt Tyhe Weheel xsleep xt 6he sheel xAsleep xAt 6The sWheel Axsleep Axt T6he Wsheel
Att ghe 2heel Aleep A gThe 2Wheel Alseep At Tghe W2heel Azleep Af rhe qheel Aft rThe qWheel Aszleep Atf Trhe Wqheel
Awleep A5 Whheel A5t Te Weel Aswleep At5 Teh Wehel Adleep Ah Tje Wjeel Adsleep Aht Tjhe Wjheel Asdleep Ath Thje Whjeel
Aeleep Ay Tue Wueel Aesleep Ayt Tuhe Wuheel Aseleep Aty Thue Whueel Axleep A6 Tne Wneel A6t Tnhe Wnheel Asxleep At6 Thne Whneel
Aaleep Ag Tbe Wbeel Aasleep Agt Tbhe Wbheel Asaleep Atg Thbe Whbeel Aslleep Ar Tge Wgeel Aseep Art Wgheel Aselep Atr Thge Whgeel
Askeep Tye Wyeel Askleep Wyheel Aslkeep Thye Whyeel Asoeep Thee Wheeel Asoleep Th Whel Asloeep The Wheel
Aspeep Ths Whsel

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