Good Riddance
Time And A Place

I've played off devastation
I told you it didn't mean that much
But this world keeps on closing in on me
Whenever we fall out of touch

It's those subtle differences
Keeping up appearances for what?
It gets the best of me
Sometimes it's better not to know

I've tried so many times
To tell you how I feel
But forever's such a long, long time
And this apology's for real

Now there's a time and a place for saving face
There's a time when it's all too much
Through the hardest times
Through the thick and thin I've always played it off
And kept my grin
But this life's too short to waste on pride
This is the time and the place for me
To clean up my side

Mirror lyrics:

To clean up my side
This is the time and the place for me
But this life's too short to waste on pride
And kept my grin
Through the thick and thin I've always played it off
Through the hardest times
There's a time when it's all too much
Now there's a time and a place for saving face

And this apology's for real
But forever's such a long, long time
To tell you how I feel
I've tried so many times

Sometimes it's better not to know
It gets the best of me
Keeping up appearances for what?
It's those subtle differences

Whenever we fall out of touch
But this world keeps on closing in on me
I told you it didn't mean that much
I've played off devastation

Relevant Tags:
TTime AAnd AA PPlace ime nd lace iTme nAd A lPace fime znd z 0lace fTime zAnd zA 0Place Tfime Aznd Az P0lace 5ime qnd q llace
5Time qAnd qA lPlace T5ime Aqnd Aq Pllace hime snd s olace hTime sAnd sA oPlace Thime Asnd As Polace yime wnd w yTime wAnd wA Pace
Tyime Awnd Aw Palce 6ime xnd x Pkace 6Time xAnd xA Pklace T6ime Axnd Ax Plkace gime Annd Poace gTime Ad Tgime Adn Ploace
rime Amd Ppace rTime Amnd Pplace Trime Anmd Plpace Tiime Ahd Plaace Tme Ahnd Plce Tmie Anhd Plcae Tjme Ajd Plzce
Tjime Ajnd Plzace Tijme Anjd Plazce T9me Abd Plqce T9ime Abnd Plqace Ti9me Anbd Plaqce Tlme Andd Plsce Tlime An Plsace
Tilme And Plasce Tome Anx Plwce Toime Anxd Plwace Tiome Andx Plawce Tkme Ane Plxce Tkime Aned Plxace

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