Good Riddance
Letters Home

So many things I never said,
all those regrets and broken promises,
would it have mattered if I had,
told you everything I felt,
admitted I was scared of losing you,
would you have understood?

Remember when you said, you'd wait forever,
and I thought it was true,
and as my broken heart just keeps on beating,
I'll send this letters home to you,
'cause I don't know what else to do,
I wait for you.

I guess it's been seven weeks,
and I still got you on my mind,
when will I find my way back,
to where we were, when I left,
the tape you send my pillows drenched with tears,
confirmed my worst fears.

Mirror lyrics:

confirmed my worst fears.
the tape you send my pillows drenched with tears,
to where we were, when I left,
when will I find my way back,
and I still got you on my mind,
I guess it's been seven weeks,

I wait for you.
'cause I don't know what else to do,
I'll send this letters home to you,
and as my broken heart just keeps on beating,
and I thought it was true,
Remember when you said, you'd wait forever,

would you have understood?
admitted I was scared of losing you,
told you everything I felt,
would it have mattered if I had,
all those regrets and broken promises,
So many things I never said,

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