Mighty Rivers Run

I am your Mother
In my womb you've seen a universe
Precious life, now I bring you into my world
Fear, love and pain are your guides

Can I provide a sanctuary to shield you
from a world that preys

Angels from heaven pray
see your children through the day
For knowing the coming tomorrow's ways

Demons await where the mighty rivers run
Children, sail on!

Head for home
Through the wild night, sail on..

..Mother will you keep me, hold me?
Father, be there, strong for me

Demons await where the mighty rivers run
Children, sail on!

Holy Angels, rest on high
For tomorrow, sanctify

Mirror lyrics:

For tomorrow, sanctify
Holy Angels, rest on high

Children, sail on!
Demons await where the mighty rivers run

Father, be there, strong for me
..Mother will you keep me, hold me?

Through the wild night, sail on..
Head for home

Children, sail on!
Demons await where the mighty rivers run

For knowing the coming tomorrow's ways
see your children through the day
Angels from heaven pray

from a world that preys
Can I provide a sanctuary to shield you

Fear, love and pain are your guides
Precious life, now I bring you into my world
In my womb you've seen a universe
I am your Mother

Relevant Tags:
MMighty RRivers RRun ighty ivers un iMghty iRvers uRn jighty divers dun jMighty dRivers dRun Mjighty Rdivers Rdun
kighty 4ivers 4un kMighty 4Rivers 4Run Mkighty R4ivers R4un nighty givers gun nMighty gRivers gRun Mnighty Rgivers Rgun
Miighty tivers tun Mghty tRivers tRun Mgihty Rtivers Rtun Mjghty 5ivers 5un 5Rivers 5Run Mijghty R5ivers R5un
M9ghty fivers fun M9ighty fRivers fRun Mi9ghty Rfivers Rfun Mlghty eivers eun Mlighty eRivers eRun Milghty Reivers Reun
Moghty Riivers Ruun Moighty Rvers Rn Mioghty Rviers Rnu Mkghty Rjvers Rhn Rjivers Rhun Mikghty Rijvers Ruhn
M8ghty R9vers R7n M8ighty R9ivers R7un Mi8ghty Ri9vers Ru7n Mughty Rlvers Rkn Muighty Rlivers Rkun Miughty Rilvers Rukn
Migghty Rovers Rin Mihty Roivers Riun Mihgty Riovers Ruin Mihhty Rkvers R8n Mihghty Rkivers R8un Mighhty Rikvers Ru8n
Miyhty R8vers Rjn Miyghty R8ivers Rjun Migyhty Ri8vers Rujn Mibhty Ruvers Ryn Mibghty Ruivers Ryun Migbhty Riuvers Ruyn
Mivhty Rivvers Runn Mivghty Riers Ru Migvhty Rievrs Run Mifhty Ribers Rum Mifghty Ribvers Rumn Migfhty Rivbers Runm
Mithty Ricers Ruh Mitghty Ricvers Migthty Rivcers Runh Rigers Ruj Migty Rigvers Migthy Rivgers Runj
Migjty Rifers Rub Migjhty Rifvers Rubn

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