Glitter Band
Goodbye My Love

Darling please don't leave me now
I need you more than ever;
Don't be sad
don't let me see you cry
I'll love you
love you forever:
Think of me when you are far away
Think of me at least once ev'ry day.

I say good-bye my love good-bye my love
Till we meet once again;
Yes it's good-bye my love good-bye my love
Say it's not the end.

Standing here in the departure longue
It's growing deep inside me;
Wonder when
I'll see the love I found
Hoping that we were always meant to be:
A million miiles is just a breath away
A million miles is just some words we say.

And it's goodbye my love . . .

Now they're calling it's time for you to go
One more kiss before you're leaving
Now you're boarding as they close the doors
I hear the engines softly screaming:

They say goodbye my love . . .

Mirror lyrics:

They say goodbye my love . . .

I hear the engines softly screaming:
Now you're boarding as they close the doors
One more kiss before you're leaving
Now they're calling it's time for you to go

And it's goodbye my love . . .

A million miles is just some words we say.
A million miiles is just a breath away
Hoping that we were always meant to be:
I'll see the love I found
Wonder when
It's growing deep inside me;
Standing here in the departure longue

Say it's not the end.
Yes it's good-bye my love good-bye my love
Till we meet once again;
I say good-bye my love good-bye my love

Think of me at least once ev'ry day.
Think of me when you are far away
love you forever:
I'll love you
don't let me see you cry
Don't be sad
I need you more than ever;
Darling please don't leave me now

Relevant Tags:
GGoodbye MMy LLove oodbye y ove oGodbye yM oLve hoodbye jy kove hGoodbye jMy kLove Ghoodbye Mjy Lkove yoodbye ky oove
yGoodbye kMy oLove Gyoodbye Mky Loove boodbye ny pove bGoodbye nMy pLove Gboodbye Mny Lpove voodbye Myy vGoodbye M Lve
Gvoodbye My Lvoe foodbye Mg Lkve fGoodbye Mgy Gfoodbye Myg Lokve toodbye Mh L9ve tGoodbye Mhy L9ove Gtoodbye Myh Lo9ve
Gooodbye M6 L0ve Godbye M6y L0ove Goodbye My6 Lo0ve Gkodbye Mu Llve Gkoodbye Muy Llove Gokodbye Myu Lolve G9odbye M7 Live
G9oodbye M7y Liove Go9odbye My7 Loive G0odbye Mj Lovve G0oodbye Loe Go0odbye Myj Loev Glodbye Mt Lobe Gloodbye Mty Lobve
Golodbye Myt Lovbe Giodbye Loce Gioodbye Locve Goiodbye Lovce Loge Logve Godobye Lovge
Gokdbye Lofe Lofve Gookdbye Lovfe Go9dbye Lovee Lov Goo9dbye Love Go0dbye Lovs
Lovse Goo0dbye Loves Goldbye Lov3 Lov3e Gooldbye Love3 Goidbye Lovf Gooidbye Lovef
Gooddbye Lovr Goobye Lovre Goobdye Lover Gooxbye Lov4 Gooxdbye Lov4e Goodxbye Love4 Gooebye Lovd
Gooedbye Lovde Goodebye Loved

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