Glenn Lewis
Something To See

I was thinking you and me
Could start again, fulfill a dream
Read that somewhere we would find
A paradise
Walls of change have clearly fell
Showing loves cry out for help
But if you only try with me
You'd see that we

Should be trying to find a cause
For our own flaws
But know that just to be
With you
In a love that's truly free
That could be you and me

And it'd be something to see
'cause you know we're too far gone
To ever be
The same way we've been so long
It'd be something to see
We can make it if we hold on
The way it should be
With love leading us along

A love so beautiful to me
Now's the chance for all to see
All you need is to believe
Love's the key
With peace between us, you and me
Then a crystal city's where we
Could be
Then there'd be no mystery
Just to be free

Only tryin to find a cause
For our own flaws
But know that just to be
With you
And in love is all that was
And should ever be because


Mirror lyrics:


And should ever be because
And in love is all that was
With you
But know that just to be
For our own flaws
Only tryin to find a cause

Just to be free
Then there'd be no mystery
Could be
Then a crystal city's where we
With peace between us, you and me
Love's the key
All you need is to believe
Now's the chance for all to see
A love so beautiful to me

With love leading us along
The way it should be
We can make it if we hold on
It'd be something to see
The same way we've been so long
To ever be
'cause you know we're too far gone
And it'd be something to see

That could be you and me
In a love that's truly free
With you
But know that just to be
For our own flaws
Should be trying to find a cause

You'd see that we
But if you only try with me
Showing loves cry out for help
Walls of change have clearly fell
A paradise
Read that somewhere we would find
Could start again, fulfill a dream
I was thinking you and me

Relevant Tags:
SSomething TTo SSee omething o ee oSmething oT eSe zomething fo zee zSomething fTo zSee Szomething Tfo Szee womething 5o wee
wSomething 5To wSee Swomething T5o Swee domething ho dee dSomething hTo dSee Sdomething Tho Sdee eomething yo eee eSomething yTo eSee
Seomething Tyo Seee xomething 6o xee xSomething 6To xSee Sxomething T6o Sxee aomething go aee aSomething gTo aSee Saomething Tgo Saee
Soomething ro Smething rTo Se Smoething Tro See Skmething Too Sse Skomething T Ssee Sokmething To Sese S9mething Tk S3e
S9omething Tko S3ee So9mething Tok Se3e S0mething T9 Sfe S0omething T9o Sfee So0mething To9 Sefe Slmething T0 Sre Slomething T0o Sree
Solmething To0 Sere Simething Tl S4e Siomething Tlo S4ee Soimething Tol Se4e Sommething Ti Sde Soething Tio Soemthing Toi Sede
Sojething Swe Sojmething Somjething Sewe Sokething Somkething Sonething Ses Sonmething
Somnething Sees Someething Se3 Somthing Somtehing See3 Somsthing Sef Somsething Somesthing Seef
Som3thing Ser Som3ething Some3thing Seer Somfthing Se4 Somfething Somefthing See4 Somrthing Sed
Somrething Somerthing Seed Som4thing Sew Som4ething Some4thing Seew Somdthing Somdething
Somedthing Somwthing Somwething Somewthing Sometthing Somehing Somehting
Somefhing Sometfhing Some5hing Some5thing Somet5hing Somehhing

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