State Of Mind

Other men's fear strengthens you
As you march the streets
With hatred in your eyes
With combat boots and battle dress
All for the cause, strict in line

"Our country for our people" is what you claim
But who are our people?
Who decides whether one is scum
Or a fine example of our god fearing society,
You maybe?

Well if you are our future
There will be no place for me
I despise your ideas
And your clenched fist doesn't impress me
I won't feel sorry for you
You chose what you wanted to be
But I hope I don't live to see that day
No, not for me

Mirror lyrics:

No, not for me
But I hope I don't live to see that day
You chose what you wanted to be
I won't feel sorry for you
And your clenched fist doesn't impress me
I despise your ideas
There will be no place for me
Well if you are our future

You maybe?
Or a fine example of our god fearing society,
Who decides whether one is scum
But who are our people?
"Our country for our people" is what you claim

All for the cause, strict in line
With combat boots and battle dress
With hatred in your eyes
As you march the streets
Other men's fear strengthens you

Relevant Tags:
SState OOf MMind tate f ind tSate fO iMnd ztate kf jind zState kOf jMind Sztate Okf Mjind wtate 9f kind wState 9Of kMind Swtate O9f Mkind
dtate 0f nind dState 0Of nMind Sdtate O0f Mnind etate lf Miind eState lOf Mnd Setate Olf Mnid xtate if Mjnd xState iOf Sxtate Oif Mijnd
atate Off M9nd aState O M9ind Satate Of Mi9nd Sttate Oc Mlnd Sate Ocf Mlind Satte Ofc Milnd Sfate Or Mond Sftate Orf Moind Stfate Ofr Miond
S5ate Og Mknd S5tate Ogf St5ate Ofg Miknd Shate Ot M8nd Shtate Otf M8ind Sthate Oft Mi8nd Syate Ov Mund Sytate Ovf Muind Styate Ofv Miund
S6ate Od Minnd S6tate Odf Mid St6ate Ofd Midn Sgate Mimd Sgtate Mimnd Stgate Minmd Srate Mihd Srtate Mihnd Strate Minhd
Staate Mijd Stte Sttae Minjd Stzte Mibd Stzate Mibnd Stazte Minbd Stqte Mindd Stqate Min Staqte Mind
Stste Minx

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