Gordon Lightfoot
Whispers Of The North

Whispers of the north
Soon I will go forth
To that wild and barren land
Where nature takes it's course
Whispers of the wind
Soon I will be there again
Bound with a wild and restless drive
That pulls me from within
And we can ride away
We can glide all day
And we can fly away

Whispers of the north
Soon I will return again
To those endless afternoons
In sunshine and in rain
Whispers of my love
Days and weeks on end
I will share my thoughts of her
In prayers that I will send

And we can ride away
We can glide all day
And we can fly away

Whispers of the north
The river and the shore
In the land that tested eskimos
Ten thousand years before
Whispers of my heart
In the tracks of animals
I will leave my footprints there
To lie beneath the snow

And we can ride away
We can glide all day
And we can fly away

Whispers of the wind
I will feel it sting
I will see it rise and fall
I will hear it sing
The sound is like a song to me
It takes away the pain
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain

And we can ride away
We can glide all day
And we can fly away

And we can ride away
We can glide all day
And we can fly away

Whispers of the north
Soon I will go forth
Whispers of the north
Soon I will go forth

Mirror lyrics:

Soon I will go forth
Whispers of the north
Soon I will go forth
Whispers of the north

And we can fly away
We can glide all day
And we can ride away

And we can fly away
We can glide all day
And we can ride away

And sky is the refrain
The river is the melody
It takes away the pain
The sound is like a song to me
I will hear it sing
I will see it rise and fall
I will feel it sting
Whispers of the wind

And we can fly away
We can glide all day
And we can ride away

To lie beneath the snow
I will leave my footprints there
In the tracks of animals
Whispers of my heart
Ten thousand years before
In the land that tested eskimos
The river and the shore
Whispers of the north

And we can fly away
We can glide all day
And we can ride away

In prayers that I will send
I will share my thoughts of her
Days and weeks on end
Whispers of my love
In sunshine and in rain
To those endless afternoons
Soon I will return again
Whispers of the north

And we can fly away
We can glide all day
And we can ride away
That pulls me from within
Bound with a wild and restless drive
Soon I will be there again
Whispers of the wind
Where nature takes it's course
To that wild and barren land
Soon I will go forth
Whispers of the north

Relevant Tags:
WWhispers OOf TThe NNorth hispers f he orth hWispers fO hTe oNrth ahispers kf fhe morth aWhispers kOf fThe mNorth Wahispers Okf Tfhe Nmorth
3hispers 9f 5he horth 3Whispers 9Of 5The hNorth W3hispers O9f T5he Nhorth dhispers 0f hhe jorth dWhispers 0Of hThe jNorth Wdhispers O0f Thhe Njorth
ehispers lf yhe borth eWhispers lOf yThe bNorth Wehispers Olf Tyhe Nborth shispers if 6he Noorth sWhispers iOf 6The Nrth Wshispers Oif T6he Nroth
2hispers Off ghe Nkrth 2Whispers O gThe Nkorth W2hispers Of Tghe Nokrth qhispers Oc rhe N9rth qWhispers Ocf rThe N9orth Wqhispers Ofc Trhe No9rth
Whhispers Or N0rth Wispers Orf Te N0orth Wihspers Ofr Teh No0rth Wjispers Og Tje Nlrth Wjhispers Ogf Tjhe Nlorth Whjispers Ofg Thje Nolrth
Wuispers Ot Tue Nirth Wuhispers Otf Tuhe Niorth Whuispers Oft Thue Noirth Wnispers Ov Tne Norrth Wnhispers Ovf Tnhe Noth Whnispers Ofv Thne Notrh
Wbispers Od Tbe Nodth Wbhispers Odf Tbhe Nodrth Whbispers Ofd Thbe Nordth Wgispers Tge No4th Wghispers No4rth Whgispers Thge Nor4th
Wyispers Tye Nogth Wyhispers Nogrth Whyispers Thye Norgth Whiispers Thee Notth Whspers Th Notrth Whsipers The Nortth
Whjspers Ths No5th Thse No5rth Whijspers Thes Nor5th Wh9spers Th3 Nofth Wh9ispers Th3e Nofrth Whi9spers The3 Norfth
Whlspers Thf Noeth Whlispers Thfe Noerth Whilspers Thef Noreth Whospers Thr Whoispers Thre Norh Whiospers Ther Norht
Whkspers Th4 Norfh Whkispers Th4e Whikspers The4 Nortfh Wh8spers Thd Nor5h Wh8ispers Thde Whi8spers Thed Nort5h
Whuspers Thw Norhh Thwe Norhth Whiuspers Thew Northh Whisspers Noryh Whipers Noryth Whipsers Nortyh
Whizpers Nor6h Whizspers Nor6th Whiszpers Nort6h Whiwpers Norgh Whiwspers Whiswpers Nortgh
Whidpers Norrh Whidspers Whisdpers Nortrh

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