
In my life, been all the places
That I dreamed of since I was a kid
Bury the past, I'm getting on with
Things I never thought I'd get through

So now I know

I don't know anything
Except I notice that
You're still here
I don't want anything
Well that's a lie because
I want you here with me

I made mistakes, I've done some things
That I just wish I could go back and change
But now I'm here, and now I know that I
Can learn from those things that I've done

So now I know

I don't know anything
Except I notice that
You're still here
I don't want anything
Well that's a lie because
I want you here with me

Don't want it back
I like who I've become
I'm right on track
I'm feeling half as young
As I did when I was a kid

In my life, been all the places
That I dreamed of since I was a kid

I don't know anything
Except I notice that
You're still here
I don't want anything
Well that's a lie because
I want you here with me

So now I know

Mirror lyrics:

So now I know

I want you here with me
Well that's a lie because
I don't want anything
You're still here
Except I notice that
I don't know anything

That I dreamed of since I was a kid
In my life, been all the places

As I did when I was a kid
I'm feeling half as young
I'm right on track
I like who I've become
Don't want it back

I want you here with me
Well that's a lie because
I don't want anything
You're still here
Except I notice that
I don't know anything

So now I know

Can learn from those things that I've done
But now I'm here, and now I know that I
That I just wish I could go back and change
I made mistakes, I've done some things

I want you here with me
Well that's a lie because
I don't want anything
You're still here
Except I notice that
I don't know anything

So now I know

Things I never thought I'd get through
Bury the past, I'm getting on with
That I dreamed of since I was a kid
In my life, been all the places

Relevant Tags:
YYouth outh oYuth gouth gYouth Ygouth houth hYouth Yhouth 6outh 6Youth
Y6outh uouth uYouth Yuouth 7outh 7Youth Y7outh jouth jYouth Yjouth touth
tYouth Ytouth Yoouth Yuth Yuoth Ykuth Ykouth Yokuth Y9uth Y9outh Yo9uth
Y0uth Y0outh Yo0uth Yluth Ylouth Yoluth Yiuth Yiouth Yoiuth Youuth Yoth
Yotuh Yohth Yohuth Youhth Yo7th Yo7uth You7th Yokth

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