Nothing To Prove

Fly off the handle once again
And now its too late
I hear the door slam shut
your gone and now its too late
I can still feel the sting
Of your hand across my face
Again the last thing that i wanted was to hurt you

Still im sitting alone again
I feel im writing the same thing again
And if i wanted to i can just shut up
now i know that i've got nothing to prove to you
and still im fighting cuz theres something to prove too

I hear your car drive in the lot
Its 3 this morning
I dont know how to feel
Or what to say how should i act

Where have you been
What could i do
Your drunk im sorry
Then we lay down i feel so dumb
I wish you'd kill me

Mirror lyrics:

I wish you'd kill me
Then we lay down i feel so dumb
Your drunk im sorry
What could i do
Where have you been

Or what to say how should i act
I dont know how to feel
Its 3 this morning
I hear your car drive in the lot

and still im fighting cuz theres something to prove too
now i know that i've got nothing to prove to you
And if i wanted to i can just shut up
I feel im writing the same thing again
Still im sitting alone again

Again the last thing that i wanted was to hurt you
Of your hand across my face
I can still feel the sting
your gone and now its too late
I hear the door slam shut
And now its too late
Fly off the handle once again

Relevant Tags:
NNothing TTo PProve othing o rove oNthing oT rPove mothing fo 0rove mNothing fTo 0Prove Nmothing Tfo P0rove hothing 5o lrove
hNothing 5To lProve Nhothing T5o Plrove jothing ho orove jNothing hTo oProve Njothing Tho Porove bothing yo Prrove bNothing yTo Pove
Nbothing Tyo Porve Noothing 6o Pdove Nthing 6To Pdrove Ntohing T6o Prdove Nkthing go P4ove Nkothing gTo P4rove Nokthing Tgo Pr4ove
N9thing ro Pgove N9othing rTo Pgrove No9thing Tro Prgove N0thing Too Ptove N0othing T Ptrove No0thing To Prtove Nlthing Tk P5ove
Nlothing Tko P5rove Nolthing Tok Pr5ove Nithing T9 Pfove Niothing T9o Pfrove Noithing To9 Prfove Notthing T0 Peove Nohing T0o Perove
Nohting To0 Preove Nofhing Tl Proove Nofthing Tlo Prve Notfhing Tol Prvoe No5hing Ti Prkve No5thing Tio Prkove Not5hing Toi Prokve
Nohhing Pr9ve Nohthing Pr9ove Nothhing Pro9ve Noyhing Pr0ve Noything Pr0ove Notyhing Pro0ve No6hing Prlve
No6thing Prlove Not6hing Prolve Noghing Prive Nogthing Priove Notghing Proive Norhing Provve Northing Proe
Notrhing Proev Probe Noting Probve Notihng Provbe Notjing Proce Notjhing Procve Nothjing Provce
Notuing Proge Notuhing Progve

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