Golden Earring
Yellow And Blue

When I wake up early in the morning
And sometimes I really do
Then you get up and you do some yawning
That's nothing new
But then, you know I wonder
If the morning couldn't open his eyes
No reflections from the sun in the window
Nothing to blow your mind

Morning light, oh morning sun
'cross my calendar
Morning light, oh morning sun
Every new day I will remember

I'm glad you're still there
Even though many don't care
Colours from you
Make you feel that all is new
Yellow and blue
Are reflections in water and dew
And more of that all in the morning
In the morning
Yellow and blue
Are reflections in water and dew

Mirror lyrics:

Are reflections in water and dew
Yellow and blue
In the morning
And more of that all in the morning
Are reflections in water and dew
Yellow and blue
Make you feel that all is new
Colours from you
Even though many don't care
I'm glad you're still there

Every new day I will remember
Morning light, oh morning sun
'cross my calendar
Morning light, oh morning sun

Nothing to blow your mind
No reflections from the sun in the window
If the morning couldn't open his eyes
But then, you know I wonder
That's nothing new
Then you get up and you do some yawning
And sometimes I really do
When I wake up early in the morning

Relevant Tags:
YYellow AAnd BBlue ellow nd lue eYllow nAd lBue gellow znd vlue gYellow zAnd vBlue Ygellow Aznd Bvlue hellow qnd glue
hYellow qAnd gBlue Yhellow Aqnd Bglue 6ellow snd nlue 6Yellow sAnd nBlue Y6ellow Asnd Bnlue uellow wnd hlue uYellow wAnd hBlue
Yuellow Awnd Bhlue 7ellow xnd Bllue 7Yellow xAnd Bue Y7ellow Axnd Bule jellow Annd Bkue jYellow Ad Bklue Yjellow Adn Blkue
tellow Amd Boue tYellow Amnd Bolue Ytellow Anmd Bloue Yeellow Ahd Bpue Yllow Ahnd Bplue Ylelow Anhd Blpue Ysllow Ajd Bluue
Ysellow Ajnd Ble Yesllow Anjd Bleu Y3llow Abd Blhe Y3ellow Abnd Blhue Ye3llow Anbd Bluhe Yfllow Andd Bl7e Yfellow An Bl7ue
Yefllow And Blu7e Yrllow Anx Blke Yrellow Anxd Yerllow Andx Bluke Y4llow Ane Blie Y4ellow Aned Bliue Ye4llow Ande Bluie
Ydllow Anf Bl8e Ydellow Anfd Bl8ue Yedllow Andf Blu8e Ywllow Anr Blje Ywellow Anrd Bljue Yewllow Andr Bluje Yelllow Anc Blye
Yelow Ancd Blyue Yellow Andc Bluye Yeklow Ans Bluee Yekllow Ansd Blu

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