Golden Earring
The Grand Piano

Strong rough hands seized the shiny wood
Carried her on stage and there she stood
Every time when she performed
The audience smiled or cried
But after years of cheers and fame
Her sound got old and died

Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na , na

Strong rough hands seized the shabby wood
Took here there, where she would stay for good
Her study was her destiny
Children used to say
You are still a queen for us
So teach us how to play

Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na , na

Mirror lyrics:

Na, na, na , na
Na, na, na, na

So teach us how to play
You are still a queen for us
Children used to say
Her study was her destiny
Took here there, where she would stay for good
Strong rough hands seized the shabby wood

Na, na, na , na
Na, na, na, na

Her sound got old and died
But after years of cheers and fame
The audience smiled or cried
Every time when she performed
Carried her on stage and there she stood
Strong rough hands seized the shiny wood

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGrand PPiano he rand iano hTe rGand iPano fhe hrand 0iano fThe hGrand 0Piano Tfhe Ghrand P0iano 5he yrand liano
5The yGrand lPiano T5he Gyrand Pliano hhe brand oiano hThe bGrand oPiano Thhe Gbrand Poiano yhe vrand Piiano yThe vGrand Pano
Tyhe Gvrand Paino 6he frand Pjano 6The fGrand Pjiano T6he Gfrand Pijano ghe trand P9ano gThe tGrand P9iano Tghe Gtrand Pi9ano
rhe Grrand Plano rThe Gand Trhe Garnd Pilano Gdand Poano Te Gdrand Teh Grdand Pioano Tje G4and Pkano
Tjhe G4rand Pkiano Thje Gr4and Pikano Tue Ggand P8ano Tuhe Ggrand P8iano Thue Grgand Pi8ano Tne Gtand Puano Tnhe Puiano
Thne Grtand Piuano Tbe G5and Piaano Tbhe G5rand Pino Thbe Gr5and Pinao Tge Gfand Pizno Pizano Thge Grfand Piazno
Tye Geand Piqno Gerand Piqano Thye Greand Piaqno Thee Graand Pisno Th Grnd Pisano The Grnad Piasno Ths Grznd Piwno

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