Ballad Of Nice And Easy

And so we ride on
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

We're coming along
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

Two of these kids grew up on the same street
And though some folks blow it, there's no smoke in their eyes
They're tying their dreams with doubled up laces
Falling, free falling, tangled up 'til they die

And so we ride on
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

We're coming along
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

'Cause everyone knows they'll get their hands dirty
Ripping at seams and smoking hot knives
But sooner or later there's an end to this candle
We'll burn it at both ends and switch on the light

And so we ride on
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

We're coming along
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

And so we ride on
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

We're coming along
The ballad of nice and easy
Young and carefree

Mirror lyrics:

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
We're coming along

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
And so we ride on

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
We're coming along

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
And so we ride on

We'll burn it at both ends and switch on the light
But sooner or later there's an end to this candle
Ripping at seams and smoking hot knives
'Cause everyone knows they'll get their hands dirty

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
We're coming along

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
And so we ride on

Falling, free falling, tangled up 'til they die
They're tying their dreams with doubled up laces
And though some folks blow it, there's no smoke in their eyes
Two of these kids grew up on the same street

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
We're coming along

Young and carefree
The ballad of nice and easy
And so we ride on

Relevant Tags:
BBallad OOf NNice AAnd EEasy allad f ice nd asy aBllad fO iNce nAd aEsy vallad kf mice znd sasy vBallad kOf mNice zAnd sEasy Bvallad Okf Nmice Aznd Esasy
gallad 9f hice qnd 3asy gBallad 9Of hNice qAnd 3Easy Bgallad O9f Nhice Aqnd E3asy nallad 0f jice snd fasy nBallad 0Of jNice sAnd fEasy Bnallad O0f Njice Asnd Efasy
hallad lf bice wnd rasy hBallad lOf bNice wAnd rEasy Bhallad Olf Nbice Awnd Erasy Baallad if Niice xnd 4asy Bllad iOf Nce xAnd 4Easy Blalad Oif Ncie Axnd E4asy
Bzllad Off Njce Annd dasy Bzallad O Ad dEasy Bazllad Of Nijce Adn Edasy Bqllad Oc N9ce Amd wasy Bqallad Ocf N9ice Amnd wEasy Baqllad Ofc Ni9ce Anmd Ewasy
Bsllad Or Nlce Ahd Eaasy Bsallad Orf Nlice Ahnd Esy Basllad Ofr Nilce Anhd Esay Bwllad Og Noce Ajd Ezsy Bwallad Ogf Noice Ajnd Ezasy Bawllad Ofg Nioce Anjd Eazsy
Bxllad Ot Nkce Abd Eqsy Bxallad Otf Nkice Abnd Eqasy Baxllad Oft Nikce Anbd Eaqsy Balllad Ov N8ce Andd Essy Balad Ovf N8ice An Ballad Ofv Ni8ce And Eassy
Baklad Od Nuce Anx Ewsy Bakllad Odf Nuice Anxd Balklad Ofd Niuce Andx Eawsy Baolad Nicce Ane Exsy Baollad Nie Aned Exasy Balolad Niec Ande Eaxsy
Baplad Nife Anf Bapllad Nifce Anfd Eay

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