Graham Coxon
Hopeless Friend

Listen, my hopeless friend
Come inside and drop your coat
Wash your hair you smell like a goat
Listen, my hopeless friend
Ain't you got no shoes to wear?
Ain't you got no blues to share?

You used to think about magic and how to fit in
Now you think about madness and how to stay thin

Mirror lyrics:

Now you think about madness and how to stay thin
You used to think about magic and how to fit in

Ain't you got no blues to share?
Ain't you got no shoes to wear?
Listen, my hopeless friend
Wash your hair you smell like a goat
Come inside and drop your coat
Listen, my hopeless friend

Relevant Tags:
HHopeless FFriend opeless riend oHpeless rFiend jopeless criend jHopeless cFriend Hjopeless Fcriend uopeless rriend
uHopeless rFriend Huopeless Frriend nopeless griend nHopeless gFriend Hnopeless Fgriend bopeless triend bHopeless tFriend
Hbopeless Ftriend gopeless vriend gHopeless vFriend Hgopeless Fvriend yopeless driend yHopeless dFriend Hyopeless Fdriend
Hoopeless Hpeless Fiend Hpoeless Firend Hkpeless Fdiend Hkopeless Hokpeless Frdiend H9peless F4iend
H9opeless F4riend Ho9peless Fr4iend H0peless Fgiend H0opeless Ho0peless Frgiend Hlpeless Ftiend Hlopeless
Holpeless Frtiend Hipeless F5iend Hiopeless F5riend Hoipeless Fr5iend Hoppeless Ffiend Hoeless Ffriend Hoepless Frfiend
Ho0eless Feiend Feriend Hop0eless Freiend Holeless Friiend Frend Hopleless Freind Hooeless Frjend
Frjiend Hopoeless Frijend Hopeeless Fr9end Hopless Fr9iend Hopleess Fri9end Hopsless Frlend Hopseless Frliend
Hopesless Frilend Hop3less Froend Hop3eless Froiend Hope3less Frioend Hopfless Frkend Hopfeless Frkiend Hopefless Frikend
Hoprless Fr8end Hopreless Fr8iend Hoperless Fri8end Hop4less Fruend Hop4eless Fruiend Hope4less Friuend

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