Graham Colton Band
Since You Broke It

Tell me would you think less of me
If I said I could do without you
Tell me would you jump and down
If I said I'd couldn't see you again
Maybe you would hurt too much to hear
I'm not the one that you wanted
Cause you can never get me again
You can never get me again
Cause you know it
Never seems to work right
Since you broke it
I don't really get what the joke is
Could somebody fill me in
Did you think I couldn't tell
You might do just as well without me
Did you think that I wouldn't mind
When I knew you were lying again
So what you gonna do with yourself
Move onto someone else you can play with
Cause you never can get me again
Yeah you can never get me again
Cause you know it
Never seems to work right
Since you broke it
I don't really get what the joke is
Could somebody fill me in
So what you gonna do with yourself
Move on to someone else?
Yeah, I doubt it
You can have your next in line
'Cuz I'm (I'm gonna') be alright in the end
Cause you know it
Never seems to work right
Since you broke it
I don't really get what the joke is, yeah
Cause you know it
Never seems to work right
Since you broke it
I don't wanna get what the joke is, yeah
I don't wanna get what the joke is

Mirror lyrics:

I don't wanna get what the joke is
I don't wanna get what the joke is, yeah
Since you broke it
Never seems to work right
Cause you know it
I don't really get what the joke is, yeah
Since you broke it
Never seems to work right
Cause you know it
'Cuz I'm (I'm gonna') be alright in the end
You can have your next in line
Yeah, I doubt it
Move on to someone else?
So what you gonna do with yourself
Could somebody fill me in
I don't really get what the joke is
Since you broke it
Never seems to work right
Cause you know it
Yeah you can never get me again
Cause you never can get me again
Move onto someone else you can play with
So what you gonna do with yourself
When I knew you were lying again
Did you think that I wouldn't mind
You might do just as well without me
Did you think I couldn't tell
Could somebody fill me in
I don't really get what the joke is
Since you broke it
Never seems to work right
Cause you know it
You can never get me again
Cause you can never get me again
I'm not the one that you wanted
Maybe you would hurt too much to hear
If I said I'd couldn't see you again
Tell me would you jump and down
If I said I could do without you
Tell me would you think less of me

Relevant Tags:
SSince YYou BBroke IIt ince ou roke t iSnce oYu rBoke tI zince gou vroke jt zSince gYou vBroke jIt Szince Ygou Bvroke Ijt
wince hou groke 9t wSince hYou gBroke 9It Swince Yhou Bgroke I9t dince 6ou nroke lt dSince 6You nBroke lIt Sdince Y6ou Bnroke Ilt
eince uou hroke ot eSince uYou hBroke oIt Seince Yuou Bhroke Iot xince 7ou Brroke kt xSince 7You Boke kIt Sxince Y7ou Borke Ikt
aince jou Bdoke 8t aSince jYou Bdroke 8It Saince Yjou Brdoke I8t Siince tou B4oke ut Snce tYou B4roke uIt Snice Ytou Br4oke Iut
Sjnce Yoou Bgoke Itt Sjince Yu I Sijnce Yuo Brgoke It S9nce Yku Btoke If S9ince Ykou Btroke Ift Si9nce Yoku Brtoke Itf
Slnce Y9u B5oke I5 Slince Y9ou B5roke I5t Silnce Yo9u Br5oke It5 Sonce Y0u Bfoke Ih Soince Y0ou Bfroke Iht Sionce Yo0u Brfoke Ith
Sknce Ylu Beoke Iy Skince Ylou Beroke Iyt Siknce Yolu Breoke Ity S8nce Yiu Brooke I6 S8ince Yiou Brke I6t Si8nce Yoiu Brkoe It6
Sunce Youu Brkke Ig Suince Yo Brkoke Igt Siunce You Brokke Itg Sinnce Yoh Br9ke Ir Sice Yohu Br9oke Irt Sicne Youh Bro9ke Itr

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